Our First Day
Dear Parents and Carers
What a fantastic school of children we have! They have been AMAZING! We have had a lovely first day back to school with 99% attendance. The children were excited to meet their new teachers and see their friends. Well done to all our new parents who dropped their children off so quickly. It really helped your children to settle in. Thank you all for bearing with us during these first few days. There will be some bumps for us to iron out, and we will do the best that we can to get them sorted.
To maintain social distancing for children and grown ups and for our 218 children, can we please ask parents to only come on site when it is their allotted drop off and pick up time. Due to the amount of adults and children coming onto site at this time, only 1 adult per family is allowed. This is to make our site as safe as we can and for adults and children to socially distance.
We also ask that children walk with their parents and are not allowed to run ahead whilst on our site. The majority of our parents were brilliant at this today and we thank you. A lot of organisation has gone into making our school as safe as we can for all users, whilst following guidelines from the government.
We ask that anyone dropping off at Year 2 use the ramp. Please do not go back against the one way system as this will make it impossible for parents to socially distance.
We had brilliant news that Infant School's free fruit snacks will be delivered on Monday, so from Monday onwards no fruit snacks are to be brought in from home (we know this was different in the summer term when fruit deliveries were stopped).
A couple of reminders:
Year R: 8.50am-9am. 12 o'clock (until fulltime). 3-3.10pm when full time.
Year 1 and 2. 8.40-8.50am. 2.50-3.00pm
Early Bird: 8-8.30am
Treetops: Up until 5.50pm.
The car park is not to be used by anybody other than staff.
Waterbottles need to be brought everyday.
The class teachers have been taking lots of photographs today and will be uploading them to the site asap. Look out on our Year Group pages for some pics.
We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
Best wishes
Mrs Riches