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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Reopening Update- Important Information

Dear Parents and Carers


We were hoping by today to be able to email you which class and bubble your child will be in and also whether keyworker provision can be for everybody who applied for it. The organisation of this is proving more problematic than we originally thought. We will continue to work on it and hopefully this will be with you by the middle of next week. Please also remember to look on our website on 28th May for affirmation that the government has told us we can open.


We apologise for this. However, different guidance is being given daily, including queries from united unions about the health and safety of staff. Every eventuality needs to be considered and planned for in line with our risk assessment. 

Many of Year R parents have asked will the same level of learning be available on the website if they decide not to send their children back to school. We will be using Fridays to do our best regarding the website. However I cannot guarantee the same level, as we are reducing 5 days of keeping in touch, emailing, telephoning and planning into 1 day. We will do our best in the time we have.


Every year R child will have a place planned for them, whether they come back on 1st June or at a later date. We would appreciate knowing your plans, which will save the admin staff telephoning every year R parent to ask them of their intentions. I know many of you have done this verbally, but please can you put it in writing too.

Children of Year R parents who have key worker hours (8-4.30) are NOT going to be in the 6 Year R bubbles and will have to be in Year 1/2 key worker bubbles, due to there being very few requests for Year R places. If you are a Year R parent who has requested this, Miss Turner is ringing today to confirm your request. 


Bubbles WILL NOT be mixing at all. This includes all Year R bubbles. They will be with their own bubble all day. There will be no freeflow play or mixed lunchtimes and playtimes as we know them. Children will stay in designated areas in their bubbles, using their own class outside equipment box. This is in the FAQ we sent out to parents. 


Even as I write this to you, my 28 years experience of being an infant teacher tells me that not all children will be able to cope with these changes. We have always prided ourselves on our friendly, safe ethos. I hope that seeing some of their classmates and familiar adults will make up for the strangeness of it all. We promise to try to do our best for everybody.


On a happier note, I am really pleased to announce we have two new teachers joining us in September! Miss Abigail Whitehead will be Frogs' teacher in Year 2 and Miss Katy Harper will be Bats' teacher in Year R. We have asked them to send a photograph of themselves to put on our website, so that you can see them soon. I know you will all give them a lovely BWIS welcome when you meet them next term.


Lastly, below is a picture of what our classrooms will look like for Year R children when they start back, so that you can see them. We hope this helps some parents to share with their children.


Wishing you all well


Mrs Riches

School Illustration