Standards at BWIS
We are extremely pleased to share our super results with you this year, from our Year R (Good Level of Development -GLD), to Year 1 (Phonics) and Year 2 (SATs).
Across all areas we attained higher than our local authority, Hampshire and National.
We have sustained these high levels for many years now, which is an outstanding achievement. We are sending out our annual standards letter today, and if you would like to see the graphs of the comparisons, please visit our standards page here:
We have looked at the many reasons that impact our children and the time they spend with us. Our children start at different start points and for some children their progress journey is far more important. We also believe that children's personal development and their behaviour and attitude contribute greatly to their success, happiness and wellbeing and we are building the foundations for long after they leave us.
Below, are just some of the reasons the staff have come up with that have contributed to our children's success and wellbeing this year;
- Clear, strong leadership consistently driving our school forward, recognised by Hampshire in our annual LLP (Learning Leadership Partner) visit. Our Senior Leadership Team is Mrs Riches, Mrs Charles, Mrs Campone and Miss Turner
- Dedicated, Caring, highly skilled staff who work as a team-Teachers and Learning Support Assistants work harmoniously to teach all children. Learning is adapted, modified and extended according to our learner’s needs
- An ‘Integrated Curriculum’, designed to enthuse and excite our learners, building on prior learning.
- Clear ‘Learning Values’ that underpin our learning.
- Excellent Continued Professional development for all staff
- Strong leadership within Year Teams. Our Year leaders are: Miss Apsey, Mrs Moth and Miss Turner
- Our approach to learning during lockdown, giving our very young learners daily lessons with their teachers and an excellent curriculum to help learning at home.
- Rigorous assessment processes that impact our teaching-reviewing and modifying where needed.
- Ensuring our learning is embedded and prior skills and knowledge are reviewed, revisited many times
- Excellent relationships between staff, pupils and parents, where we work together.
- SEND children and parents are supported by our highly skilled SENDCO. Mrs Campone
- An embedded school ethos that permeates our school, through our BADGER values
- Governors that support and challenge the school.
- Parents playing a very active part in their children’s learning, supporting learning outcomes and reading.
- Our new reading raffle initiative
- Our strong phonics teaching by ALL staff (Teachers and Learning Support Assistants)
- Our children are taught to be confident, independent learners who take risks and enjoy solving problems.
- Our planned first-hand experiences – using the local environment, school grounds, trips and outdoors wherever possible.
- Excellent remote learning opportunities when in lockdown, particularly during 2021
- An extremely dedicated staff who want the very best for all children - supporting a child who needs more help, and extending children who are able learners.
- All children feeling valued with celebration systems for achievement in all curriculum areas embedded
- Ensuring there are no barriers to learning-pupil premium funding spent strategically to enable all learners to achieve their best.
- ‘Closing the gap’. Close monitoring and individualised learning ensure no child gets ‘left behind’; ‘Keeping up’ as opposed to ‘catching up’.
- Focused targeting and support. Children understand how to make their learning better and what their ‘next steps’ need to be to succeed.
- Our Sporting Curriculum-children love working as a team. Sportsmanship, resilience, behaviour are just some of the benefits of our children playing team games at a young age.
- Clubs! Both lunchtime ones run by staff and our wide range of ‘After School’ and ‘Morning’ clubs, enabling children to achieve in a non-academic activity, boosting self esteem.
- Being part of our community- taking part in community events, learning how to be citizens of Bishops Waltham.
- Happy learners! Our behaviour systems work. Unacceptable behaviour, including bullying, will not be tolerated and is dealt with swiftly and effectively. Children feel safe and secure and trust that we would not let harm come to them.
- Children and staff wellbeing a priority across our school
- Our Trickbox programme teach children how to be calm, creative, communicate and be confident
- Our office team, lunch team and site team all form part of our staff jigsaw puzzle, enabling everybody to work effectively
- Secure transition programs at this busy time of year-so children are ready for their next class or school.
- A PTA that tirelessly fundraised for us to have extra resources to make our learning even better
It is a long list, and I am aware that some of the points have remained on our list for a few years. I am very proud of our school, and the sustained approach to striving for the very best for our children our whole team shares. I thank our whole community; staff, parents and governors for everybody's contributions this year. Well done to you all!
Kind regards
Mrs Riches