Weekly Update Friday 10th May
We have waited all year for the sunshine, and it has finally arrived! We have had a few glorious days, and the children in Year R and Year 1 have had a great time practising their skills on the balance bikes and scooters. We have given the children plenty of reminders about drinking water and sun safety. Luckily, in our grounds we have lots of shady areas to cool down and all staff have been reminding the children to do this.
Thank you to all the parents who donated chocolate today for our chocolate tombola. Our Summer Fayre is next week and we hope to see everyone there. This year, there are raffle tickets coming out to win a trip-please have a look for these in your child's book bag tonight. The PTA still need volunteers on the day, so please contact Claire to help. They will also run a token system alongside cash. These can be bought beforehand or on the day. Please see the PTA social media page for more information.
This week we joined in with National Hedgehog Week, with a whole school assembly and lessons in Year 2. I have 2 hedgehogs that climb steps to my garden every night, and they really help keen the slug and snail population down in my flower beds. The children were amazed to discover that a hedgehog can cover 2 miles in one night! If you would like to find out more about how you can create hedgehog friendly gardens, please click on the children's learning link below.
We will be back to our PAN of 60 children in Year R in September, and we are full in this year group. We do, however, have spaces in our current Year R (Year 1 in September) and 1 space in our current Year 1 (Year 2 in September). If you are interested in applying for these places, please contact the school office. Our Early Years Lead, Miss Turner, has started visiting the pre schools to meet the children who will be starting with us this year, and our New Parents' Evening is on Thursday 23rd May.
We had our governor meeting last night, where we finalised our budget for the forthcoming year. We have a parent position on our governing body, and emails have gone out to all parents re applying. The roll is a rewarding one, where all aspects of school life are strategically looked at. Please look in your emails, if you would like to apply.
INSET DAYS 2024-2025
These have now been agreed and are as follows:
Monday 2nd September
Monday 25th November
Friday 31st January
Monday 24th February
Monday 9th June
Lastly, we would like to make a plea to parents to pop their phones in their bags and pockets, when dropping off and picking up their children. They are really excited to see you, and want to tell you all about their day, and we see their faces light up when they know you are there!
Wishing you a lovely weekend
Mrs Riches