Weekly Update Friday 13th October
We are coming to the end of our first half term and the days are now getting colder and shorter. We all went to St Peter's Church on Monday to celebrate our Harvest festival. The Meon Valley Foodbank were very grateful for all the donations that were brought in by parents , so thank you from us all!
This week our parent governor elections came to a close and I am pleased to announce we have 2 new governors; Mr George Denman and Mrs Helouise Bailey. Both parents have a child in Year R and the governors would like to warmly welcome them to the board.
This week Miss Tracy Meek received her 'long service' award from Hampshire County Council for 25 years service. We would all like to wish Miss Meek congratulations for her dedication to working in our school.
Year 1 had their amazing learning outcome today for their 'Project Power' where they have learned about their bodies and being healthy and fit. Year 1 parents had lots of activities to do designed by the children in Year 1. How fit were you?
We had a really good PTA meeting this week, where all the positions are now filled. Congratulations to our new Chair Claire Rawlings who is looking forward to the role. Our other new members are:
Andy Knight -Vice Chair
Karen Humphreys-Secretary
Barry Rawlings - Treasurer
Veronique Anning and Maddie Humphries-Communications and Publicity Officers
Katherine Bell-Volunteers Officer
We look forward to planning and running our next events!
Many parents and grandparents expressed an interest to help, which is great news. There will be lots of events through the year that will need help. The main ones this term are:
Wrapping Christmas presents from Santa
Christmas shopping helpers and wrappers-please note this needs lots of helpers to make the experience lovely for our children.
Selling raffle tickets and asking for prizes and donations-everyone can help with this, especially if you work for a business that could possibly donate a prize
Please come and let the office know if one of these events is one that you or someone in your family can help with. We will then call you nearer the time to confirm details.
We wish you all a lovely weekend. I'm looking forward to the exciting rugby matches ahead this weekend-Who will go through?
Best wishes
Mrs Riches