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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Weekly Update Friday 17th November

Thank you to everybody who supported our School Council's fundraising today for 'Children in Need' day. Our whole school had spottyitis, and we saw lots of spots before our eyes! A whopping £320 was raised in total, with our 'Guess the Marbles' competition and spotty donations. There were 333 marbles in total in the jar and the winner was Lois in Hedgehogs with 332! What a great guess Lois! A huge thank you to Mrs Charles and the School Council for advertising and organising the event.


Some of you may have noticed our new art installation at the front of our school. This has kindly been organised by HIWFRS (Hampshire, Isle of Wight Fire Rescue Service) and Morgan Sindall. It is a replica of the piece we were asked to do as part of the new Fire Station in Bishops Waltham building hoarding, which the Fire Station liked so much, they kept it and hung it inside where the fire engines are! We have now been given our own copy of the work and we are very proud to see it hanging at the entrance to our school.


We are very busy practising songs for our Christmas performances, and words/costume letters will be coming home soon. If you are unable to provide a costume, please your child's teacher know as soon as possible, so that we can help. If you have a costume at home that is too small and you would like to donate it to the school, please bring them in! We had a lovely pirate costume and king costume donated last week and will be put to good use!


Our PTA have been very busy collecting donations for their Christmas Raffle which will be drawn in Christmas week. If anybody works for a company that would like to make a charitable donation to our PTA directly, our BWIS PTA charity number is 1091894. Subsequently, donations to the school can also be made directly via ARBOR and titled DONATION.


This week our English and Maths lead teachers monitored reading, writing and mathematics across the school. It was brilliant to see the way learning was adapted or modified depending on the needs of the children, to give both support and offer challenge. The standards across the school were consistently high and the quality of the learning and high expectations from the teachers was evident to see. Lots of parents commented on these aspects after parents' evening last week too, and there is always an excited buzz for learning in our school.  Learning doesn't just take place in school and we were also really pleased to see how many children were reading at least 3 times at home every week too, practising all the early learning skills that are so essential to unlocking the curriculum. We celebrate all learning in our Friday assembly, including achievements at home, and it is a really lovely end to our week.


On that note, and whilst the sun is shining, I would like to wish you all a lovely weekend. 


Best wishes


Mrs Riches







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