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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Weekly Update Friday 19th January

Brrrrrrr, it has been a cold week this week in Bishops Waltham! We have made sure children are wearing the gloves, hats and scarves they have been bringing , when they go out to play, to ensure maximum warmth. Year 1 and 2 have been monitoring the temperature every morning and were excited to see a minus figure in the day. The concept of a 'minus' figure can be really tricky for children to understand, so it is a great opportunity to see one on our thermometers and explore what this means.


Just before Christmas, we were asked to send in our Nativity photographs to the Hampshire Chronicle. I was in Wales when they were published, so didn't manage to buy a newspaper with them in. I had a little check this week, and found them. The link is below if anybody would like to see them:


Hampshire Chronicle Nativity Photographs


On my learning walk around the school this week, I have seen some superb phonics teaching from all our staff. Our children love their phonics sessions in school. We teach these sessions in smaller groups and they achieve success. In the afternoon, our highly skilled Learning Support Assistants (LSAs), continue to reinforce the teaching from the morning, and teach individual and small group sessions, so that all children achieve success. One of the Year 1 children proudly came to show me the progress she has made since September, and how many words she can now read. Our English leads are Mrs Labram and Miss Turner and together with our Year Leaders they ensure continuity and progression in English across the school.


On Tuesday evening we had a governor training evening, with a focus on 'Inclusion, Attendance and Wellbeing'. These areas were very strong in our OFSTED report, and as a school we are always striving to to better. There were some excellent links to articles for the governors shared, with lots of bedtime reading and food for thought.


We have a date for our sponsored event this year. It will be on Wednesday 13th March, so please watch out for sponsor forms which will come home soon. This year we will be having a sponsored bounce!


Our Parent Teacher Meeting dates for this term are on Tuesday 27th February and Thursday 29th February. This is an opportunity to come and talk to your child's class teacher about their learning, and look at their books. Appointment booking will be open from 5pm this evening. (NB Robin class may need to be postponed due to a staff member's jury service. We will know more nearer to the time and will keep you updated. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause).


Our 'Winter Warmer' event for Year 1 children is on Tuesday 23rd January. Please fill in the form for this if you are intending to come along for this special evening with your child.


We wish you all a relaxing weekend.


Best wishes


Mrs Riches




School Illustration