Weekly Update Friday 22nd March
Year 2 had a dance filled afternoon this week with our Ceildih step dancing se-shanty work shop run by Folk Active, Hampshire. They were great and Tom who lead the workshop praised them on their listening and following instruction skills.
Year 1 have been busy testing food combinations for their 'Handa's Surprise' food outcome. We have some interesting choices (Pea dip and pineapple!) and I think we have some budding chefs in our midst with their ambitious choices!
The whole school looks blooming lovely with the gardens the children have been designing in Home Learning. They are all so different, they have been lovely to see. Thank you to all the parents who helped on this task-it looks like a lot of fun has happened.
We had our Full Governor Body meeting this week, where we have updates from the term. The governors were very impressed with the learning that is happening in the school and how dedicated all staff members are to creating our culture for learning. Our school really is a super place to learn!
Our PTA Easter Egg Hunt and Quiz night have both been on sale to parents. Please do not turn up on the day of the Easter Egg Hunt without a ticket, and each child participating needs a ticket. Our Quiz Night is on 26th April, and it is always a night where parents and staff have some fun together. Please contact the PTA to purchase tickets for these events.
Next week we will be having our grand 'Decorate an Egg' Competition. Please bring your eggs to school on Thursday 28th March, clearly labelled and put them on the correct Year Group table. If parents would like to donate eggs for extra prizes, we would be very grateful. There will be a little prize for everybody who enters, so please have a 'crack' at it!
We will be having our whole school Sculpture day on Tuesday 26th March. It will be a non school uniform day-please wear old clothes that you will not mind getting messy. We are looking forward to having a lot of fun!
Lastly, I cannot stress enough how important it is that we all work together, and for the majority of time, everything works really well in our school. Occasionally some little things are brought up by more than one teacher, and we need to send a little reminder out, which is what the next few sentences are about:
Firstly, please DO NOT use book bags to carry water bottles. We have had some leakage and books are getting ruined.
Secondly, our Year R team have been disheartened to see equipment moved and played with by children after they have spent time tidying away at the end of the day. We do not have insurance for children to play on the equipment after school, and would appreciate it if parents leave school after pick up with their children. Lastly, there seems to be a lot of large cuddly toys coming to school at the moment, with teachers having to be the people saying 'no' to them coming into class, despite our no toy policy. For a small number of children, who have a need, a 'transition' toy has been agreed with the class teacher. For everyone else, please do not bring toys to school. We would really appreciate your support in all of the above areas.
Finally, our staff attended 'Simon Says' Bereavement Training this week in school. We have worked closely with the charity for many years and they do amazing things around Hampshire and the Isle of Wight with children, at tricky times in their life. Please let us know if we can support you further through any time you may need support.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend
Best wishes
Mrs Riches