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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Weekly Update-Friday 22nd September

We had all kinds of weather this week and our Year 2 children have had fun charting the weather-from great downpours to strong winds and sunshine! What a week!


The Year 2 children also had lots of fun at their new clubs this week. We all look forward to teaching and playing in the clubs over the next few weeks.


Year R enjoyed their first full week of school, and have great fun chatting about their lunch choices with their classmates. They are very kind and caring and learning all the class routines in school. They were a little tired this morning, but enjoyed our Friday dance hello.


Year 1 have also been very polite around our school and the teachers are noticing how well they are displaying our BADGER values.


We had an update from our PTA on Monday at our AGM. A letter has been sent out to all parents regarding the future of our PTA, and we have a meeting scheduled on the 9th October at 2pm. On a personal note I would like to thank Shez, Kelly and Hannah for the great job they have done-we have had fantastic events this year-they even laughed when they were cleaning our the spiders in the PTA shed! We will miss all three of you and without your hard work,  our Nest would never have been built. Thank you all.


We also had our first governing body meeting with our new Chair of Governors, Simon Brownlie. Mr Brownlie has been a governor with us for many years and has lots of experience of life outside of school. I am looking forward to the year ahead, with governors who are providing challenge and support to our school. We have been excited to receive 6 applications for the Parent Governor positions. Voting is open for two weeks, so please cast your votes!


Our individual school photographs are on Tuesday 26th September (next week). Please make sure your child has their cardigan/jumper wit them on the day. We also have our 'Heartstart' first aid session for Year 1 children on Tuesday, a visit from the Fire Service on Monday and our 'Open Morning' for Year R 2024 on Wednesday. There is quite a lot going on, so please read your Year Group emails to find out more!


Remember to also look at your child's Year Group section under 'Children' on our website. There are lots of activities you can do at home and links to learning that is happening in school too.


Let's hope the weekend stays sunny for us all. Fingers crossed for England and Wales in their rugby games this weekend! What an exciting tournament it is turning out to be.


Best wishes


Mrs Riches

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