Weekly Update Friday 24th November
This week we have had several new Year R parent showrounds and it has been lovely walking around our school and seeing the children enjoying their learning in school. We found Gruffalo Crumble and lots of Julia Donaldson role play and writing activities. In Year 1, we could see all the amazing theatres the children have made, and observed some children making their 'Wanted' fairytale characters using I.T, and in Year 2, we could see all their fabulous learning about New Zealand. There was so much to see, and everywhere we went the children were following our BADGER values. I am always a very proud headteacher of BWIS and believe it is a special place to learn.
Next week we have the library service coming in to bring some new titles to support our projects and interests in school This happens 3 times a year under the watchful eye of Mrs McIntyre who liaises with staff about the books we would like. We then have our army of library parents and LSAs who help children check each book out individually and put them straight in their book bags. the children love their special time in our Wonder Wood library, and we would like to thank all parents who help us run this part of day for us.
We also have the 1st December next week, which is when we decorate our school for Christmas and put our Christmas post box up. All class Christmas cards are posted into the postbox -please put child's name and class that it would like to be sent to, and our Postbox Helpers will sort the cards into the correct pile. The following two weeks fly by very quickly and we have lots of events planned in for the children.
On the 5th December is our school shopping Bazaar day. This is a lot of our helpers' favourite day to help in school! It is a time for helpers to get their Christmas jumpers on and get properly into the Christmas spirit! Each helper will help 2 children to shop at a time, or help at one of the shopping tables. The tables are set up for Dad/Grandad/Men, Mum/Grandma/Women, Boys, Girls and babies. These are only a guide, so the children can pick from any table. Once all the shopping is done, the wrapping begins! We get our Christmas tunes on, each child is collected 1 at a time with their gifts and they stick their label on as you wrap their gifts. The children then bring their gifts home in their bag and put it under the tree.
We will send a list home next week, to be filled in and brought back on the day. Children can buy up to 6 gifts on the day. This is a cash only event, as part of the shopping experience for the children is giving money to buy something for other people. Please send in the correct amount for the presents, in a purse or envelope that is securely sealed. They will also need a carrier bag with their name on it. This year the gifts will cost £3.50 each. We have lots of lovely things to choose from, and there is a sneak peak at some of the gifts below (Please do not put money in for the children to buy something for themselves. We do not have enough age appropriate stock for children to do this).
We have also added an extra event into the Christmas Calendar for Grandparents this week. It is the return of our Christmas service for Grandparents only at St Peter's church. This event is an event for grandparents of children at our school only and will take place on Thursday 14th December at 1.30pm. Door will be open to grandparents from 1pm to arrive. There will be mince pies and teas and coffees afterwards. The songs we will sing will be from our Christmas performances. Due to numbers, this event is for grandparents only. If a grandparent needs a helper to get to the church/sit, then helpers will then be asked to come back at the end, so that grandparents can have a seat. We are really looking forward to doing this event again, and hope to see lots of grandparents at the church.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend
Best wishes
Mrs Riches