Weekly Update Friday 9th June
What a lovely sunny week we have had in school this week. Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed their geography field trip to Southsea on Wednesday, and came back with lots of exciting information they had found out.
Our governors came to school this week to talk to the children about our learning values and our knowledge retrieval quizzes. We went on a learning walk around the school and they were very impressed by our children's confidence when talking about their learning. They also talked to some of our subject leaders, and were amazed by all we do. During work scrutiny with the children, they commented about our high standard of learning in the books. Thank you to all the teachers and children who talked to the governors-you all had a lot to say!
Mrs Charles has also been very busy working on uniting all the excellent strategies we have in place in school for our 'healthy minds and body' leaflet. This will be coming out to everybody very soon, but she has sent an email to all parents with a brief summary of the things we have in place to support children if they display anxiety or anything else that affects their wellbeing when at school. We have also have signposted many parents to agencies that can support with anxiety at home too. The important thing is to take action at home, and not to do nothing-as by making changes, no matter how small, can have a bigger impact over time. Please see below for the link for home self help and the anxiety booklet on our website:
Directory of services for Hampshire
The Primary Behaviour Support Service also brought out excellent resources to help parents with a range of issues-from sleep to anxiety. It is titled 'Parenting Support Pack' and you will find it on the link below:
Sports Day
This year we are celebrating our sports in Year Groups on Friday 16th June. Children will be sent home with their PE bags on Thursday 15th June. Please can you send them in to school on Friday 16th June, wearing their PE clothes, with a hat and sunscreen.
The timings are as follows:
Year R Sports 9.15-10.25
Year 1 Sports 10.45-11.55
Year 2 Sports 1.15-2.55
CM Sports will be helping us on the day and there will be refreshments served for cash donations. We look forward to seeing you and celebrating their super sport with you.
Monday 12th June is our last INSET Day this year. We will see you back in school on Tuesday 12th June.
Phonics Screening
Year 1 will be doing the statutory phonics screening with their children next week. This consists of reading 40 words, some nonsense words, using the phonics they have learned in school. Our children have been little superstars learning their phonics in Year R, 1 and 2 and our staff are really pleased with their progression when tackling unfamiliar words in their reading.
Moderation of SATs
Every four years or so, schools are picked to have a moderation visit from Hampshire's moderating team. The team look at the assessments the teachers have made, and agree/disagree with their assessments. A robust discussion takes place, and I know how well our staff know the children they teach, because we have robust discussions about where a child needs to gain a better understanding, in our school inhouse moderations each term. I moderated with the Hampshire team for several years and sharing children's learning with teachers was always the best part of the role. This will be the first time we have had a moderation session since pre 2020, so we are looking forward to showing all our children's amazing learning.
Bishops Waltham Family Fun Day
The Rotary Club are running their annual Family Fun Day at Hoe Road recreation ground tomorrow. The fun starts at 12.30. To find out more, click the link below:
We hope everybody has a lovely weekend in the sunshine!
Best wishes
Mrs Riches