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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Welcome Back!

Dear All


The children have had a lovely start back on a very windy day! We have updated our Covid 19 Risk Assessment in light of the new announcement on Saturday, which you will find below. Due to the arrangements we had already tweaked re drop and pick up times, and Year 1 parents now exiting through car park if the gate is open, staggering outside play further, we are hoping when the government release more guidance to schools during the forthcoming lockdown period, we will not need to make any further changes, but we will keep you updated as soon as we know more.


Some parents have asked whether we are going to make face masks mandatory for adults dropping off or picking up children. As we are lucky enough to have an open air one way system, where parents are not facing parents face on, at the moment we are not making this mandatory. If any adults would like to wear one, considering how many children and other adults they could potentially come into contact with whilst on our site, then I recommend that they do so. Unlike the start of September, children are  more accustomed to seeing facemasks in use, and are not surprised by them.


A parent, who has visited many school sites, told me this morning that ours was the best organised site he has seen regarding covid measures. I was very pleased to hear this and I hope he doesn't mind me sharing that information with you. The next few weeks will hopefully be as normal as they possibly can be for the children in our school.


I hope you all had a lot of fun on the pumpkin walk around Bishops Waltham on Saturday. I think the rain held off long enough for people to come outside for it. A huge thank you to our own PTA and BWJS PTA. An incredible £1900 was raised and we are vey, very grateful. Without any of our normal fundraising events, we have been left with a depleted budget for items for the children that we usually fund, so this has come as a huge bonus. Thank you to everybody involved. What a fantastic community idea.


Thank you for your continued support of the school. It is very much appreciated, and we are all longing for the day when a little bit of normality resumes. 


Kind regards


Mrs Riches


Link to latest Risk Assessment:

School Illustration