Welcome Back
Dear Parents and Carers
It was so lovely to welcome all the children back today. Lots of smiles and giggles around the school. The children were so excited to see each other and their teachers. Thank you for helping to make drop off as smooth as possible. Remember, for those entering from 'Free Street', our entrance near the pool is open too for coming in (not going out).
Lots of parents have been commenting on the beautiful crocus wheels that were planted by Bishops Waltham Rotary club for the 'End Polio Now' campaign. The purple represents the ink used to mark people who have been immunised. The Rotary Club have long been involved with the worldwide effort to eradicate polio. We have wheels at both schools and one on the entrance to the estate too.
On Friday 19th March, we will be supporting the 'Comic Relief' day again. The theme this year is 'Heroes'. It will be a fancy dress themed day and children can come dressed as a hero-it can be a superhero, a made up hero or as somebody who is a hero to them. Mrs Charles will be sending out some more information this week.
Thank you to everyone who responded to our remote learning questionnaire before half term. Please find the results on our 'Parent Info' page. On the whole, it was a very positive survey about the school but did reflect how hard lockdown was for everybody, especially when juggling work and family. Hopefully, that is the last we will see of lockdown!
Parents also received an email about obtaining 'Lateral Flow' tests for their children, if they wished to do them. We will not be testing children at infant schools, but please see the information regarding this on our 'Parent Info' page/in the office email.
Some parents have asked us about finding out about 'Trickbox'. We have not introduced it yet and will be introducing it slowly over the next few weeks, as advised by the trainer. Our main priority at the moment is getting all the children settled back into school routines. We will give more information on how it can be used at home in the summer term.
I hope you all managed to find some time to sit down with a cup of tea today and enjoy the peace and quiet again! We are enjoying the noise of happy children around the school.
Best wishes
Mrs Riches