Welcome Back
Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back and we hope you had a lovely half term break. As I am writing this, my telephone has just pinged with a message from Year 1 teachers saying they are just getting back on the coach after a fabulous trip-they certainly had the sunshine for it today!
Our class photos were delivered this afternoon and will be coming home today/tomorrow. There is an ordering slip coming home with the information on how to order on it, and the photo will be in the class window for you to see without proof marks on it.
Year 2 start swimming this week. Please look in your booklet regarding the date your child is swimming. Thursday is still PE day too, so children in Year 2 will need to come in PE clothes on this day. Swimming hats, no goggles, no earrings and swim trunks (not bermuda shorts) are in the Hampshire policy, which we adhere to; all this information is in the swim booklet. Our teachers went on their training in May to update their skills. We are sure the children will have a great time. Please make sure that outstanding contributions are paid into the office asap.
Please look at our May newsletter for our summer term dates. Some events are penciled in and weather dependent. We are hoping that we will be able to take part in all of them, including our sponsored walk to raise money for our outdoor book huts in Year R and Year 1, which we would like to buy this term. We have lots and lot of ideas to further enhance our outdoor learning space, including a reflection area, a sensory area, our pond, more statues, gazing balls etc. We know that Rome cannot be built in a day, and if anyone wants to help/ contribute we would be very grateful.
We are all very happy to see Mrs Wombell back today too. She will be teaching in Hedgehog class one day a week until the end of term. The children were very excited to see her!
Let's all hope we keep all bubbles in school for the last part of the school year. Please continue to be vigilant when out and about, with handwashing and mixing with family and friends, as there are a few positive cases in the local area at the moment.
Best wishes
Mrs Riches