Welcome Back
Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back to our new year. The last few weeks seemed to speed by and I hope you have all had a relaxing summer holiday. Hopefully everybody has read the guidance for coming back to school and our risk assessments.
We held our first team meeting today to go through all our plans in light of the new guidance being issued on Friday evening. We have decided to make one change to our organisation and this is regarding PE. We will now be doing 1 session per week where full kit will need to be worn, and on this day we request that your child comes to school in PE kit. This will reduce the need for storing and washing kits. We do request that all children keep a pair of trainers in school for the whole week. These can stay in school until half term (if you wish) and will be used frequently for games and other outdoor PE times. Starting next week (no PE this week), your child's PE day is as follows;
Year R: Thursday
Year 1: Monday
Year 2: Tuesday
We will also be holding 'Meet the Teacher' wellbeing individual zoom calls early this term. You will be able to sign up on our website over the next week (a link will be sent out) and zoom invitations will then be sent. With less time to talk at our class doors, this will be an opportunity to talk about how your child is settling in, what they like to do, any worries you or they have and how we can support you. We will hold Parent Teacher meetings to discuss progress and learning in November.
Our Meet the Teacher 1-1 weeks will be held on the following weeks:
Week Beginning 21/9/2020: Year 2
Week Beginning 28/9/2020: Year R
Week Beginning 5/10/2020: Year 1
Timings will be 3.20pm-5pm. If you are unable to make these times, please contact your class teacher to arrange an alternative time.
We have also had a few people querying lunch provision. ALL children are entitled to a free school lunch every day in the infant school. They are varied and the children were excited to eat in their rooms when we trialed this in June. We encourage children to eat as much as we can, in the limited time they have. If providing your own lunch, please do not overfill the lunchboxes. We suggested 4 items plus a drink, as this is a common figure that features in lunchbags when eating out. It also doesn't overwhelm children and our lunch staff can encourage the children to eat what you have provided. Children will have a limited time to eat and rooms will need to be cleaned in between too. If you want to provide more, this is entirely up to you, but we cannot guarantee everything in the box will be eaten, if overfull.
We are doing our very best to make our school as safe and welcoming for you and your children, within the guidelines and restrictions provided by the government. We understand there will be anxiousness and hope that you work together with us during these unprecedented times. We will not always get it right, as we tread this unknown path, and sometimes we may need to inform you quickly of a change. We will try to give you as much notice as we can. We ask that you follow the guidelines on our information page on what to do if you think your child or your family is showing symptoms of Covid and help us all to be as safe as we can.
We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning.
Best wishes
Mrs Riches