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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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What a lovely start back

Dear Parents and Carers


What a lovely start back we have had in school. It has been lovely to see so many happy faces and hear the children all around the school again. They have had a lovely time catching up with their friends and getting used to their new teachers and classroom. 


We have a few reminders below for all adults:


One adult per family/group of children

As you are aware, we have new arrangements for picking up and dropping off,  which seem to be working so far.  We are still asking that only one parent/grown up comes onto the school site, as we are trying to limit the number of contacts coming to the classroom and on site at any time, as part of our covid risk assessment to keep staff safe. Please also continue to socially distance when talking to staff members in school and drop off and pick up quickly, leaving any catchups with friends when you are off the school site.


School Shoes and uniform labelling

All children should now be wearing school shoes. We relaxed this during our lockdown disruption. Now we are back in school, please make sure they are wearing their school shoes every day. Please also make sure uniforms are labelled, as things often get mixed up when changing for PE.


PE Bags

PE bags should now be in school ready for their PE. Trainers will need to be inside their bags


Welcome Meetings

You will be invited to an online welcome meeting for your Year group. The date and time for these are as follows:


Year 2.   

9.30am 14/9/2021

Year 1

9.30am 15/9/21

Year R

9.30am 22/9/21


These meetings will cover all arrangements and information for the year. If you have any questions or queries, please email the year group beforehand, and they will try to answer them in the talk.


Packed Lunch

If your child is having a packed lunch, please do not put too many items in. Please make the choice about what is going in the night before. One box had 10 items in it today, which was overwhelming for the child, as they didn't know what to choose.


School Lunch

Children are provided with water at school lunch time, but if you would like your child to bring a non fizzy drink at this time then they can. It needs to be clearly labelled and kept on the lunch trolley with the lunchboxes (not in the water bottle holder).



The school office will send out information about joining our after school clubs tomorrow, so please keep a look out for their email.


We know the sunshine isn't going to last much longer, but we are making sure we are making the most of these few days.


Best wishes


Mrs Riches







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