What to do if anyone in your house displays covid symptoms
Dear Parents and Carers
As we move into Tier 2 restrictions from 2nd December, we still all need to ensure we keep ourselves safe. If anybody in your house displays covid symptoms, then the person who is displaying symptoms needs to isolate for 10 days or a negative covid test, whilst the rest of the household isolates for 14 days/test is clear. The diagram below explains what happens in a household where somebody is displaying symptoms.
We would like to thank you all for being so vigilant in informing us, when any child is displaying symptoms. To date, this has not led to any bubble closures. The staff are working very hard to make sure the school is as safe as it can be too. Toilets/door handles and tables are cleaned at regular intervals throughout the day. We have frequent hand washing/sanitising reminders with the children throughout the day and staff members work within one year group only.
If we do have to close any bubble, our blended learning plan will be actioned. Your Year group blended learning can be found under the current project on your child's year page.
Kind regards
Mrs Riches