Christmas Week
Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you for the lovely emails we have received regarding our outdoor Christmas Celebration Evening. Staff and parents on the PTA worked really hard to make sure it really was a special evening for everybody.
We are currently on our Christmas Countdown week. These are the things we have on, and what you need to do:
All week: Foodbank donations made in boxes outside. They will be collected by the foodbank on Friday morning.
Tuesday: Christmas Bazaar day. Please bring correct money in an envelope with your child's shopping list. Presents are £2.50, and each child can buy 2 presents. The presents to choose from are for adults/older teens. They will be gift wrapped and labelled. We still need wrapping paper donations and bubble wrap donations for this event. Please also bring in a named carrier bag for the presents.
Wednesday: Christmas Lunch and Party day. Party clothes/non school uniform can be worn all day (with sensible footwear please).
Thursday: Virtual Christmas Panto Day
Friday: Christmas jumper/top non school uniform day- please bring a donation for the Naomi House Charity.
Please bring in named carrier bags ready for children's Christmas bits to come home. If you have any spare carrier bags, please send them in.
Please don't worry if you forget one the above days-telephone the office and we will help to sort everything out.
Kind regards
Mrs Riches