Corona update - Monday Evening 16-3-2020
Latest update
Dear Parents and Carers I apologise for the lateness of this update. In light of the Prime Minister’s address today, there are a few things we need to urgently let you know.
1. We will not be going on the trip to Hilliers tomorrow with Year R. It is not a ‘necessary trip’, so unfortunately we are going to have to cancel it. We will do our best to defer it instead to a later date, and will let you know if we have success with this.
2. Advice has now changed. If anyone has a child who started self isolating today, they will now have to stay home for 14 days, not 7 as originally advised. If you or any family member living in your house is self isolating due to the symptoms described in our corona update (13/3), then all household members will now have to self isolate for 14 days too.
3.If any family members are over 70 years of age, or have underlying health problems, please consider limiting their contact with yourselves and your children.
4. Our PTA quiz is to be postponed to a later date. Mrs Wilkinson, our chair, has made the decision tonight, which I fully support.
5. We will be stopping project outcomes to parents and will be doing them between classes until further notice.
Until directed to close, we will continue to try to make school as normal as we can for the children. We hope everyone stays as safe as they can and take care of themselves.
Best wishes
Ginene Riches