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First Week Back

Dear Parents and Carers


It has been a lovely first week back for our children- so many happy, smiley faces. They have all been full of enthusiasm in class, and we have enjoyed teaching them! 

The children have all been excited to see their friends and be in school again. As mentioned, we have started using the Trickbox activities. One of the first ones of these is ‘Mirror Mirror’ to develop self belief and confidence. Children stand in front of a mirror and, out loud, compliment themselves. It isn’t something that has been used once- it is used, and will be used, as part of our day, whenever children have a little doubt about themselves, or their abilities. It is also a great way to start your day at home too- ask your children to demonstrate it for you. One teacher reported that she couldn’t believe the difference in her art lesson after the children had used their ‘mirror mirror’ trick. 

We have been looking, as a school, at ways to develop better long term retrieval and memory in our learning. One of the ways that really help with this is asking your child to ‘teach you’. Even if you already know how to do something, pretending you don’t, or aren’t quite sure, enables young children to feel like they are the expert- they love this. How many of you have been at a pantomime, where the actors are getting things wrong on purpose on the stage? You will usually be blocking your ears from the sounds of children shouting the right answer to them! It is that kind of approach with children. We use it a lot in teaching as the teacher, ‘oh silly Mrs Riches has forgotten how to.. can you help/ remind/teach me?’

Have a go at home. When they tell you how to do it, repeat it back to show you understood and were listening ‘oh, so I do this first- am I doing it right’ The more you engage, the more confident your child will feel recalling their knowledge/skill and using it to teach you. 

It was lovely to have parents of children who was ‘star of the week’ join us for assembly on Friday. Thank you all for keeping it a secret- your children had a great surprise seeing you! This is something we wanted to continue with, when we opened to all again. There is a little message on Tapestry for everyone with a star award. 


We hope you all have a lovely weekend with your families. Hopefully a little more sunshine for us, after the last few stormy days.


Best wishes

Mrs Riches




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