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Bishops Waltham Infant School

A world to discover, learning together

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Friday 8th January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers


Thank you to everybody who attended our assembly this morning. I promise I will get better at this-already looking at ways to improve! It is very different to zoom, as I couldn't tell if you could see me or not. The only way is up!


I will start writing to the children on our school blog page. I know the teachers will be able to send you messages directly using tapestry and your children pages, but I had no space to talk to the children, so I will use the blog part of our website. You can find it under the children tab or click the link here:


We have had a very kind offer today of some free PPE from a parent, which has been great. We were sent an original box back in September, but nothing since. You may have seen that we have not had any ipads/laptops either, because we are an infant school. Because of this, I have a small plea. If you have old devices hanging around, that can access the internet, or you or your company would like to donate a new device, we would be very grateful. the ones we are currently signing out are our class ones, but with over a third of our children attending under critical care/vulnerable, we haven't got many devices free to loan. You would really be helping us out if you can.


Mrs Palmer has sent everybody's login details to Tapestry-this will now be the place to upload learning. It creates a file for your child's learning and teachers can comment on all. Our Reception Class teachers are teachers our Key Stage one teachers how to use it.


Thank you for all your help and support this week. Although anxious, our whole staff team are also very upbeat and your kind messages and amazing learning is lifting us all higher! Thank you to Mr and Mrs Jones and Mrs Nettles for the yummy cakes-they were a welcome treat today!


Well done to you all at home for doing such a great job. Lots of parents have commented how different it is this time. If we had been given options on how we organised our learning in June last time, this is the approach we would have liked to take, teaching and helping all children and families every day. We hope the routine of starting and finishing the day with your child's teacher is helping to structure the day a little too. We are providing 3 hours of learning per day, as per the guidance from the DFE. Breaks, daily reading and playtime in between are important for the children too, and we suggest the story at the end is when everybody stops their day and enjoys their normal family time. 


You have all made it to the end of the first week-I hope you manage to relax this weekend. You have earned it!


Best wishes


Mrs Riches

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