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Bishops Waltham Infant School

A world to discover, learning together

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Dear Parents and Carers


Schools have been advised to develop contingency plans for January, and update our COVID Risk Assessments and remote learning. We have updated everything this week, and they are all available to see in our COVID section in Key Information (please click link below).




The government stated they will do everything they can to keep schools open, and we have everything crossed that this will be the case. We will be watching events closely during the school holidays and will keep you updated (we find out the same time as the nation during the public announcements).


Our advice to all parents is the same as it has been throughout the pandemic; please take your child for a PCR test if displaying COVID symptoms, and if a child displays COVID symptoms in school, we will isolate them from the class and expect parents to come and collect them as quickly as possible. 


We know it is a worrying time, especially if you are seeing more vulnerable family members this Christmas break and we hope everybody manages to celebrate with their family and friends


Best wishes


Everyone at BWIS

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