Key worker List
The national picture is changing very rapidly. We are working to reopen the school on Monday for the children of keyworkers, children with a social worker or those on an EHCP. I still feel very strongly that while the risk remains lower for children they can still become ill and can carry the virus to other vulnerable people including school staff. For this reason I would ask you to exhaust all other options before bringing them to school. Wherever possible social distancing should now be in place for your families.
Please remember, schools have been closed to stop the spread of the virus... this will only work if the children are kept home.
Below is the link to the key worker list. Read advice carefully then email us ASAP with the name of your child, your job role, whether 1/2 key workers and let us know whether you are intending to send your child to school on Monday. We will get back to you later in the day regarding what we can offer.