Monday 8th June
Dear Parents and Carers
Today we saw some of Year R children return to school. I cannot tell you how lovely it is that we have children in school again. We have all missed them so much. Although some were a little hesitant on the way in, they were really excited to see their friends and any nerves were soon forgot. We have made a little video for all parents in Year R. For those who have children in, it is a little way to see that they are ok. For those parents who are still undecided about coming back to school, seeing it in action may help you to make a decision. We have even managed a last minute surprise for Bubble 6-Mrs Wombell will be able to be with them outside at lunch time! This was organised very last minute but they are so excited!
Click our video here:
You will all be receiving ZOOM invites for Fridays with your teachers (Otter class your zoom meetings will be with Mrs Campone and Mrs Belton). We will be holding them in little groups, so hopefully everyone will have a chance to talk. Before the meeting you may want to get some things that your child wants to show their teacher that they have learned or made (saves them running off to find them). A grown up will need to stay in the room during the meeting. We are getting a lot better at technology, and thank you for bearing with us on our upskilling. Teachers are really enjoying talking to all the children and answering all your emails. Some teachers are a lot better at telephone calls and some are a lot better at emailing. We are all still learning at these strange times. Now teachers are in class Monday to Thursday, Friday is our day for catching up with you all. Hopefully you have all seen the learning on the site for this week.
If you have a child starting in Year R, then you should have found your way to our new parents page. Here, there is lots of information for our new starters. Over the next few weeks, more videos will be added here. We are also getting a pack to deliver to you for the summer holidays before you start. Hopefully we will have a few transition face to face sessions in very small groups and will let you know your teacher and classes soon.
All children in Year R, 1 and 2 will be moving to their next year group as the class they are in normally e.g. Bat Class will move as a class. This is to help with transition back into school, whenever that may be. It isn't how we normally do things, but we want to ease any anxieties and the familiarity of their classmates will hopefully help when we start back. I said to many of you that the children are more excited about seeing their friends than adults when they were in keyworker groups. The same has happened in the Year R Bubbles.
Year 2 had a treat in their emails on Friday with their video from Mr Campbell all about their new classes. If you haven't watched it have a look in your inboxes (it is restricted viewing to Year2 children only, so I cannot post a link here).
We would like to welcome Miss Ellie Miners to our growing team. She will be in Otter Class next year, while Mrs Moth will be out of class, teaching in all year groups. For children currently in Bat class, Miss Harper will be your new teacher. We will be putting pictures and videos of Miss Miners, along with Miss Whitehead and Miss Harper on our website soon.
Lastly, I heard about a free virtual festival that is starting on Saturday that anybody can attend. Some of the workshops look good fun, especially the craft ones. It is called 'The Happy Place' Festival and is being organised by Fearne Cotton. If anybody finds any other good websites, please pass them along to us and we will promote them to parents on here.
Kind regards
Mrs Riches