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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Our first two weeks back

Dear Parents and Carers


What a great first two weeks back we have had. The atmosphere around the school is really exciting, with all the children enjoying their learning. It has been lovely to see Year R enjoying their first few weeks at school too. I know we have had the occasional tears saying goodbye in the morning, but by the time I walk around the classes to say hello, these have all stopped and there are very happy children waving at me.


We have a few reminders and information bits below, to make people aware of. Please have a read, and if anyone would like to share any information or thoughts, please email the admin office (address on home page).



Clubs are starting next week. Please check the day/time and pick up with the organiser.  Year 2 Lunch Clubs will start in October.


Solar Panels

You may have noticed some solar panels to generate energy being fitted to the roof of the new wing. We are waiting for the electric to be joined up and will give a few more facts on them in the newsletter at the end of the month.


1 person dropping off and picking up

Yesterday, a staff member had a rude response when reminding adults about one person picking up and dropping off, telling her it was 'ridiculous', and ignoring her request not to come in. I had to stop people in the end, which isn't nice for any of us.. We have kept this one request in place to try to limit the amount of people our staff members are coming into contact with. Covid is still prevalent, and I am sure you do not want your child's teacher absent for 10 or more days ill or isolating after contracting covid.


If every child brought 2 people at this time, we will have over 650 bodies (including children) crowding on our site at the start and end of the day, who are not working in our school. We have a duty of care to keep our staff as safe as we possibly can. Please do abide by our request (we have even seen people pretending not to be with each other when they walk past staff members), and help to keep us all safe. We also request that everybody keeps moving and wait for friends/stop and chat to friends outside of the school. If you are asking somebody else (a relative or friend) to pick up/drop off, please make them aware or our request too.  Hopefully, now we have explained the numbers of people accessing our site, and our reasoning more fully, you will all understand how important it is to make sure your child's teacher and adults working in school are safe.


Special Mentions Book

Our special mentions book, that is read out in assembly, is looking a little empty. If your child has impressed you this week, give them a mention-it can be linked to anything and we love receiving them. They will get a shout out in our Friday assembly. We also have a book to share achievements (such as a certificate) that we read out. Please send a phot (email will do) and what their achievement has been, and we will pop it in there.


PTA Meeting

We had a brilliant PTA AGM last night, and it was lovely to see new faces. Cathy and her team did a great job last year and they have all decided to stay on this year. Cathy will be letting you know all the exciting things we chatted about yesterday, but our big drive this year is creating 'Forest Classroom' area around the school grounds, to further enhance our learning. We will let you know a little more about this in our September newsletter.


Pond Area

This weekend a group of volunteers organised by a parent in Year R, including some staff, are clearing out our pond area, in order to create a working wildlife area we can use. It is the first of a few grounds days we will be organising through the year. We are full of volunteers for tomorrow, but if you would like to put your name down for future days, please let us know.



Yesterday evening, a local resident, John, had a bad fall in Willow Road whilst trying to climb onto a kerb with his walking sticks. The dropped kerb, where he normally gets up, was blocked by a car. His wife is our local lollipop lady, and he walks down to meet her after she finishes work. Thank you to the two mums, Ms Barrett and Mrs Armstrong, whose quick thinking kept him calm and stable until the ambulance arrived. Thank you to Mr Wu, who directed the traffic until we got down there and could help. John has a broken hip and cracked elbow and is being operated on today. We all hope he makes a full recovery.


Please, please, please, park with care and consideration , if you bring your car onto the estate. It is very busy and dropped kerbs should not be parked in front of at any time. Every parent has pushed a pushchair at some time, and knows how hard it is to try to come off the pavement at another place. Some of our elderly residents depend on the dropped kerb, for their mobility and safety. I am sure you will join me in wishing John a speedy recovery, and hopefully consider parking further away, such as the Jubilee Hall, town or Hoe Road in future and walking the extra part of your journey to school.



Just a reminder that it is our individual photographs on Thursday morning. Please send your child in with their jumper. Nikky, our photographer, is great at getting some lovely shots, and hopefully they will be back well in time for Christmas presents (only 99 days away, so it said on the news!).


Labeling Clothes

Please label all clothes, but especially coats/jumpers and cardigans. They are often left on the playground, and they will find their way back to class IF there is a name on them. If there are no names, then this becomes less likely, and children also take them home, thinking it is theirs. Even if written on the inside with a biro every Monday, please make it part of your weekly routine to check there is a label inside. Thank you.



We will be sending out a newsletter by the end of September, where we will share some of the things mentioned her in more depth. We hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Best wishes


Mrs Riches











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