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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Ready for September

Dear Parents and Carers


With a week to go until the start of term, I am writing to you to remind you of some of the things we have had to put in place due to COVID guidelines from the government. 


Firstly, we are continuing with our online learning. Staff will introduce the learning via a recorded video and will post this on the Friday. It will then be updated the following week with resources, in case a family or bubble are isolating.


If you have recently travelled back from a country that is on the government quarantine list, please observe the government's quarantine period before bringing your child back to school.


Unfortunately, we can no longer have teacher chats at the door during pick up and drop off time. These times need to be as quick as possible and timings need to be adhered to. If you need to speak to a teacher, please telephone/email and a teacher will telephone you back as soon as possible. We will also be unable to have face to face meetings in the Autumn term and will be using technology for Parents' Evening and and other Parent/Visitor Meetings.


Our one way system is still in place, to avoid 'pinch points' and enable social distancing. This also means only one adult per family can attend drop off and pick up, to limit the amount of adults onsite at one time. It also means that unfortunately our adjoining gate to the junior school is also currently unavailable, so that everybody exits the school through the double blue gates.


Lunches will be served in the classroom, with choices being sent out the week before. There will be vegetarian and meat options, hot and cold, including a jacket potato option every day. All infant children are entitled to a universal free school lunch. Your child can bring a lunchbox instead if they would like to, but we ask that you limit contents to 4 items, as young children will try to eat the whole thing otherwise, and not get a run around. If you put lots of items in children can get overwhelmed and think they have to eat it all. We also need to clean the classroom ready for the afternoon session, so the classroom will need to be empty of children for this to happen. We allow a juice carton to be brought for lunch and at all other times, children will have access to water. We are unable to provide water bottles at the start of this year, due to production issues.


Remember to name everything-including shoes!. PE kits and footwear need to stay in school and be suitable for outdoor weather as there will be no indoor PE in the Autumn Term. Children will be in their class bubbles inside the school and Year bubbles in the playground.


Please read our current risk assessment and our FAQ sheet for September. we have also put the link from the government with guidance for all schools here too



I hope you have a lovely last week at home, and look froward to seeing everybody next Thursday.


Best wishes


Mrs Riches



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