Thank You
Dear Parents and Carers
We are finally saying goodbye and starting our summer break. Our leavers are all partied out, and the rest of our children are showing end of term tiredness. We had our book giving ceremony and also had sweets and lollies from our PTA. All of our other children have met their new teachers and know where they will be in September. Our rooms are overflowing with gifts, and thank you so much for your kindness. On behalf of the staff and myself I would like to thank everybody for your ongoing support and understanding, which has made our changing roles much easier to navigate (broadcasting assemblies and lessons to many homes has been a learning curve for us all!).
We would like to wish everybody a restful break and hope you get time to see your family and friends. Please remember to squeeze a little 'you' time in too, because you certainly deserve it!
We will see most of you back in September and for others, we wish you well.
With vey best wishes
Mrs Riches and Everyone at BWIS