We had a visit from George Hollingbery MP
Today we had a visit from Mr George Hollingbery, the Member of Parliament for the Meon Valley Constituency. He talked to Years 1 and 2 about his role in Parliament and then answered the questions the children thought of, such as 'Is it tiring being a MP?', ''How many places does a MP work?' and 'What does a MP do?'. George answered all the questions brilliantly and at the end lots of children said they would like to be a MP when they grow up.
We also toured the school and discussed the things we do that enables us to continue to keep standards high, including our investment into specialised sports coaching and our innovative games curriculum. We also discussed the funding issues all small rural schools are facing.
If you would like to find out more about all the things George Hollingbery does in the Meon Valley constituency, please follow the link below: