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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Weekly Update

Dear Parents and Carers


What a busy first week back we have had. The children are excited about their new projects and what the outcomes will be. CM Sports have loved working with the children in their after school club, and everyone is looking forward to the term ahead.


We are launching our new reading challenge this week, the details of which are in the poster below and will be emailed to all parents. It was launched in assembly today and the children are very excited already! 


If anybody would like to volunteer in school to help with reading, please see your child's class teacher. We have lots of volunteer roles in school, such as gardening, library, general heling in class, and we welcome parents and grandparents in these roles. Please contact the office for more information.


Year R Phonics talk is at 9.15am on Tuesday 10th January in the school hall. this is an informative talk where we demonstrate how we teach phonics at BWIS. Please come along if you have a Year R child.


We hope you have a lovely weekend (fingers crossed there's no rain!).


best wishes


Mrs Riches

School Illustration