Weekly Update Friday 10th November
Thank you to all the parents and carers who came along to parent teacher meetings this week. The teachers enjoyed sharing your children’s successes with you and discussing the next steps in learning. We are now in the throes of our next learning projects, and starting our preparations for Christmas.
Our PTA have done a grand job of selling sweets on the stall in the firework event and after school this week. Thank you to all involved and lots of parents have commented about how great it was. I know they are now getting the Christmas Raffke Prizes ready.if you, or your company would like to raise funds for our PTA, please get in touch. This year, we are looking to develop and improve a new learning area, where children can read, research and have space to explore their learning, in the curved corridor outside Year R and Year 1. Our book boxes were first here when the school was built and the whole area is ready for an uplift, to make it a lovely place for children to learn.
Lots of parents have visited our book fair and pre loved uniform stall in the main lobby. These are going on Tuesday, so if you haven’t managed to come along, please make sure it is before the 14th.
We have been finding that some of the addresses and contacts are not correct on our site, where people have moved or changed telephones. All parents can alter this themselves using their Arvbor App, so please make sure you keep us updated.
Our new school council have been busy planning ‘Children in Need’ day for the 17th November. Please see their announcement on this page for details on what to wear and where to donate on the day.
Hopefully, this weekend will be slightly less soggy, and we can all some fresh air and get out and about.
Best wishes
Mrs Riches