Weekly Update Friday 11th October
This week Year 1 had their 'Brilliant Bodies' Science led learning outcome. They shared all of their learning with their parents in a fantastic science workshop. They really enjoyed sharing their learning with all who came. Thank you to Mrs Moth, our Year 1 leader, and Miss Whitehead and Miss Daniels-King for such a great outcome.
Year 2 have been really busy learning about the Great Fire of London, in their history led project. They are getting ready for their Great Fire Exhibition next week. Their paintings and interpretations of what happened have been fantastic.
Year R have been looking for signs of Autumn around our school, an have been amazed at the colours of the leaves we have. We are so lucky to have our lovely grounds, where we can walk and see Autumn all around us.
Our PTA are still looking for class reps, who will be responsible for spreading the word of events through the Class Media Groups. Please contact the school office if you would like to become one. The first event is on Friday 18th October, where Year 1 and 2 children can buy a ticket for our after school disco.
We have waterbottles and headlice combs available to purchase from the school office. Please pop along if you would like to purchase any of theses items. All hairstyles where the hair is touching shoulders or longer, needs to be tied back to discourage the spread of headlice. Hair accessories should be kept small and in school colours only-keep the sequins and glitter for the best and the lovely places they go to when not in school.
On behalf of the governors, I would like to welcome our new parent governor, Dr Steven Vidovic to our Governing Body Board. Congratulations Steven, and we look forward to working with you.
Our Harvest Festival is next Tuesday, and we would welcome all contributions towards the foodbank. Please bring contributions in on Tuesday morning. This event is for children only, and we thank all volunteers who have offered to walk to the church.
We will be having our individual photographs on Wednesday 16th October. Our photographer, Nikky, takes a really great photograph. She has family slots in the evening, if you would like a special family shot for yourselves or as a Christmas present for your family. Please call the office to book, if you would like one.
Lastly, look up at the sky this weekend! Some members of staff took some beautiful photographs of the Northern Lights last night. They were visible around 9.20pm, but this time can change. I'm hoping to see them too, and love looking at people's pictures of them, so if you catch them, send them in.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Riches