Weekly Update Friday 12th January
Dear Parents and Carers
We have had another wet, soggy week, but the children are still smiling! Thank you to Miss Turner and Miss Campbell for leading the Year R Phonics talk this week. Lots of parents found it really useful, and we have considered your feedback about making it earlier next year and will change the date.
The closing date for our Year R entrants and Year 3 entrants 2023 is this weekend, so if you haven't applied yet, please make sure you do so before the deadline.
CM Sports are really enjoying running the after school club and keep telling us how lovely our children are. The children are having a great time too, and told us that the after school club's colouring pens are' the best'.
We had a lovely PTA meeting on Wednesday evening and planned lots of exciting events for this half term. They will be coming out to you all soon, so watch this space. We are always very grateful for all the funds that support us in school. This year's funds have already paid for the panto, our Santa books and our raffle books. We cannot wait for our Reflection area to be built in our school grounds, and now we have more funds to use, we will be moving forward with this soon.
This week is ‘World Religion’ Week. We had stories from Buddhism and Sikhism in assembly. The children were very interested in the differences to Christianity and the similarity, in that the stories were about being good and kind.
Our new reading raffle has been very popular, with a marked increase in home reading (THANK YOU!). This week's winner was Madison in Year 2 and she chose her book prize out of the book box. Each week there is a new winner, and entry is three home reads a week (remember they can read a home book or school book).
We have fingers crossed again for a brighter, less soggy, weekend.
Best wishes
Mrs Riches