Weekly Update Friday 13th September
We had a little bit of sunshine this week, which made all the difference to how much we could get outside in our lesson time! The children have had a great week. It was lovely to welcome the children in Year R to a whole day, and they have been loving their school lunches! Please remember we are a nut free school, so please do not put any nut products in lunchboxes, and we would suggest 4 items (5 at a push) for children if bringing a packed lunch, as otherwise they find it too overwhelming. Children can bring a sealed carton of juice/squash at lunchtime if they wish (not fizzy).
We have been asked by parents about our policy of giving sweets and cakes for special occasions. Sadly we are unable to give items out, due to the amount of allergies in class, and ask that treats are given out at birthday parties instead.
Year 1 and 2 had their Welcome meetings, which were very well attended, and the children were really proud to show their new classes to their parents. Remember that each year group has their own email, should you wish to get in touch, which are answered in the school week. You will be pleased to know that as of today, we are able to use our email again. It has caused us quite a few issues, but we are all back to normal now.
We have started to see a few large bows of different colours coming into school. Please can we keep hair decorations to a minimum and in school colours. We also ask that all shoulder length hair is tied back. We had a mainly headlice free year last year, and would like for this to continue (which I am sure you want to support!).
Over the last couple of weeks, some children have had some nasty trips and bangs when being allowed to run ahead. We do ask that children walk with their parents at this time, due to their safety and the safety of others, as it is so busy. We also do not allow bikes/scooters past the gates, or hot drinks for this reason too. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Some of you may have seen me out at drop off time this week, reminding people of the highway code regarding parking on school zigzags and double yellows. We have passed our concerns and the concerns of several of the residents who have telephoned or come in person to complain, to the police and council. The markings are there to enable all children to travel to school and cross the road safely. Please read the law below:
You'll see time plates on poles near the zig-zag road markings, typically 8-9am and 3-4.30pm, though these timings may vary. The Highway Code states: “You MUST NOT wait or park, or stop to set down and pick up passengers, on school entrance markings.” (Highway Code rule 238, Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.)
The Highway code applies at both drop off and pick up. The following applies to Blue Badge Holders:
The Blue Badge is not a licence to park anywhere. If you park where it would cause an obstruction or danger to other road users you could be fined or receive a Penalty Charge Notice or have your vehicle removed.
Do not park where it would endanger, inconvenience or obstruct pedestrians or other road users. Examples of dangerous or obstructive parking include the following, although there are others:
- school entrances, bus stops, on a bend, or near the brow of a hill or hump bridge
- parking opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space
The Blue Badge scheme: rights and responsibilities in England
Updated 9 July 2020
Please do not endanger our children because of convenience, weather or in a rush. We have safe parking spaces in Hoe Road, Jubilee and Town, with a short walk to school if you have to bring a car.
This seems like a negative to end this weeks update, however we have had so many resident and parents' complaints re parking and driving over the last few weeks, it has been necessary to mention. I would like to finish on a positive and say that all the children have been lovely to teach since we have come back and their smiles have been enormous when I am walking around the school and seeing their learning. They have had a little introduction to their next projects in Key Stage 1 and are raring to go!
Wishing you all a lovely weekend in the sunshine (at last!)
Mrs Riches