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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Weekly Update Friday 19th April

Welcome back to everybody. We hope everyone had a restful break over the Easter period. The children were a little quiet coming back on Monday, but back to their usual, excited-to learn-selves by today!


Summer term is always a busy one at school. All parents with siblings starting in September should now have their offer letters at home, and Mrs Palmer has emailed everybody with regards to documentation to send in.


We had a detailed PTA meeting on the first day back to school. They have been really busy organising our next events. We have a quiz night on the 26th April. This is a great way to meet other parents and have a bit of fun. We then have our Summer Fayre on Friday 17th May. We need parent helpers for this event, so if you can give a few hours to support it will be gratefully received. To support the event, we have 2 donation days for the chocolate stall and the bottle stall. These are;


Friday 3rd May-bottle donations please. Only consumable ingredients, and preferably something parents would like to drink.

Friday 10th May- chocolate donations please-these can be bars or boxes


On both of these days children can wear NON-UNIFORM in exchange for their donation.


The children have been busily finishing off their sculptures and our whole school sculpture display is nearly finished. We will send an email out to each year group to invite parents and carers in to come and see the display, when it is completed.


There are currently a lot of children running into school ahead of their parents, but particularly grandparents. This is a gentle reminder to make sure your children are walking with you, as they get distressed if they cannot see you if they have fallen over. It also means our coming to school times are a calm time, which helps all the children who find large crowds overwhelming. Your cooperation in this is greatly appreciated.


We have had our hanging baskets delivered for the Bishops Waltham in Bloom competition. If we have any greenfingered parents/grandparents who would like to help, please let your class teachers know. We would also like flower donations for the baskets and the boxes on the way into school, so if this is something that you could possibly help us with, please talk to us.


Wishing everybody a lovely weekend


Best wishes

Mrs Riches




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