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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Weekly Update Friday 20th October

What a finish we had to our half term this week with our Year 2's history led project outcome for 'Fire Fire'. The children opened their exhibition with singing rounds, then amazed their parents with their historical knowledge and skills. What fabulous historians we have!


After half term we will be having our RE Whole School day and we cannot wait for the children to experience the day's activities. We are looking forward to inviting you in to see our shared art installation the following week.


Our Parent Teacher meetings are on the 7th November and the 9th November, and this will be your opportunity to talk to your child's class teacher about their learning and any other questions you may have. Please remember to sign up, if you haven't done already.


We held our Governor budget review meeting last night, which happens at this time of the year annually. The cost of all services, resources and training has increased much higher than anyone could have predicted, and we are very aware that we will be tightening our belts across the whole school, as we try to save pennies and pounds where we can. One of our biggest costs, is the price disparity between our income for the lunches from the government and the rising costs from the caterers for Hampshire County Council. The lunches are now costing the school thousands of pounds over the year, taking resources away from children. We will be looking at different catering options over the coming months, and will keep you up to date with what our decision will be going forward.


We are now trialing sending all emails via our Arbor system, in response to the Parent Survey in July where parents reported that information was coming from too many places. Some parents have let us know that they aren't receiving these emails. Please check your junk emails for your weekly information from the class teachers. Our methods of communication are now as follows:


Arbor-emails and app messages from office, when needed, and every Friday from teachers

Weekly Update-here on website every Friday (

End of Month Newsletter-paper and website (

Board outside-reminder only when walking past (no new information)

Facebook-PTA page for PTA events


We hope that this will make it easier to keep up to date for all parents and carers.


If you are following the Rugby World Cup like myself and many of our children, we will all be cheering England this weekend as the last Northern Hemisphere team in the competition. There have been some amazing games played and I have had lots of chats about the results with the children in school. Let's see what the weekend will bring!


Wishing you a lovely half term break-fingers crossed it keeps dry!


Best wishes


Mrs Riches


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