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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Weekly Update Friday 24th January

Year 1 performed their amazing dragon dances as the culmination of their Dragon project this week. There was much excitement in all of the classes when devising their dance to perform. Well done to the Year 1 teachers and children. What a memorable learning experience it has been!


Year 2 are continuing with their Wacky Wheel designs. The children have been thinking really carefully about what design will work best. They have also been writing about the experiments they have been doing in class. They have really enjoyed writing for a different reason.


Year R have been busy story telling and discussing the Three Little Pigs. So many of the children have brought their learning to me to show this week- they have been AMAZING!


Luckily Storm Eowyn seems to be further north than us, and we have had much drier weather than the rest of the country. Please take care if the wind does pick up again, especially looking out for flying debris.


Some of the Year 1 and 2 children are missing warmer weather PE clothes in their PE bags. We go outside for PE every week in Year 1 and 2, so please make sure your child has warm named joggers and tops for thee colder months.


We have an INSET day on Friday the 31st January, the same as the junior school, and will not be open at all. Please mark this day on your calendar as a little reminder! 


Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend. 


Best wishes


Mrs Riches


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