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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Weekly Update Friday 31st January

This week has seen Year R children continuing to explore Traditional Tales, reading stories where language is familiar, and often repetitive. Who doesn't love a story that starts with 'Once Upon a time'? They often transport children into a land of make believe-of wizards, wolves with characters who behave in not such a nice way. If you read these stories at home with your children, they are great to stop and ask questions, such as 'what do you think the character will do?', 'How will the character act/respond when this happens', or 'what will happen next'. A traditional tale is a magical door into enjoyment of reading with lovely stores to share at all infant levels. I have loved seeing the pigs appear in Year R, and some clever house-making and ideas from our children too.


Year 1 have started their next project all about Victorian Childhoods. Our children are shocked about what life was like in Victorian times. They will be journeying back in time on our Manor Farm Visit in two weeks time, where they will have first hand experiences of being a Victorian. How to compare and describe are two key skills teachers will be teaching over the next few weeks, as they explore artefacts from the era.


Year 2 have had the best time learning and working collaboratively to design their Wacky Wheels vehicles. Their learning walls are full of their fantastic ideas, and they are nearly ready to test their vehicles. Watch out on our media section for the clips when they test them.


With February just around the corner, we are all hoping for some less stormy weather, and looking forward to the longer days. I have found a great thing to do with your children, that some of you may already know about. There is a Sir Quentin Blake Blue Peter Book Badge, that all children aged 5-15 can apply for, by following the children's instructions below:


Blue Peter Book badge application

To earn this badge, you must:

  • Be aged between 5-15 years old.

  • Ask your parent or guardian for permission to apply and ask them to read the Privacy Notice.

  • Get your parent or guardian to help you fill out your form and personal details.

  • Tell us about a book you have read and what you think about it. Maybe you liked the characters, or perhaps you enjoyed going on exciting adventures in faraway places.

  • Upload your illustration of a character or a scene from the story. This could be a drawing, painting or even digital artwork.

  • Let us know what other books and authors you have enjoyed reading and why.


To find out more about this badge and other Blue Peter Badges, please visit the link below:


All children who have a Blue Peter Badge can visit over 200 attractions free in the UK. Please find the link to where they can get in free here:


Happy Badge Applying All!!!


I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and get better soon if still poorly.


Mrs Riches



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