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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Weekly Update Friday 3rd May

Year 2 had their river walk this week and there were lots of excited children talking about their learning. We grasped the only sunshine in April and everyone had a super time looking at the river as a habitat. Year R have been showing me their amazing writing-and they are really proud of how their letters and words look now compared to when they started school. Year 1 have been very proud of their maths and the investigations they can do now. What amazing learning in every room!


We are currently in the cycle of budget setting in school for the year ahead, and we are really pleased that some of the saving exercises we have already implemented are having an impact. We will continue to monitor this over the forthcoming months.


We all had a great time at the PTA quiz last week. Thank you to Andy who was a great Quizmaster, and to our amazing PTA helpers who made sure everyone was well watered and The Hampshire Bowman for making sure we were well fed. It was a super night of raising funds for our wellbeing and learning corridor.


Thank you to all parents who brought in bottles for our Summer Fayre bottle tombola. We are very grateful for all your donations. Next week we have our chocolate donation day on Friday 10th May. Our PTA are looking for volunteers who can help set up our stalls on Friday and help man them too. If you can to this, please let us the school office know and we will pass your name on (or email the PTA directly).


We hope everybody has a lovely May Day weekend and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Tuesday.


Best wishes


Mrs Riches

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