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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Weekly Update Friday 6th September

We have had a lovely first week back together this week, with lots going on in our classrooms. Year 1's start of the year project in 'Knowing me, Knowing you', where they have been getting to know each other, and practise what they know, and making decisions about their learning space, including their class charter. Miss Daniels-King has had the loveliest start o her teaching career, with the loveliest of children.


Year 2 have been busy with their project of 'We are all in this together', getting ready for their Grand Class Opening. They have also been busy learning about Road Safety, so that they can safely walk to school in the mornings.


Year R finished their home visits this week, then the wait was over and they started school! The two mornings whizzed by and there were lots of happy (and tired) faces. We welcomed Miss Wood to our learning support team and she is working with Year R this year. 


We have our Welcome to Year 1 and 2 meetings next week, and after each meeting there will be the Grand Opening of their classrooms. Clever Chefs will be available to talk to before the meetings n the hall. I will be posting pictures of every lunch for every day of the 3 week cycle, so that you can see the amazing lunches we are having. All vegetables (bar peas and sweetcorn) are prepped by our Chef Gaby, and the smells wafting from our kitchen is making our mouths water all day! The children have unanimously said they love the food when I have sat having my dinner with them in the hall. Remember all infant children receive a hot lunch every day completely free, and with 4 things to choose from, our children are really lucky at BWIS.


Bishops Waltham Football School came to talk to Year 1 parents this week and will be in the Turning Circle again next Thursday, to talk to Year R parents. It runs on a Saturday morning and Priory Park and is a great fitness/skills club for 4-6 year olds to join. Come and talk to them on Thursday afternoon , if you are interested.


Governor Space

We have a Parent Governor space on our Governing Body. If you think you have the time to commit to the role, please look out for the paperwork being sent out by the office next week. This will be sent via Arbor, so check your junk emails too, in case it has slipped in there.


School Absence

If your child is not going to be in school, you must inform the office as soon as possible by using our message option via telephone. Please do not email in, as often unknown emails are sent to our junk folders, and the message can be missed. At 9.30, office staff will be making calls to all parents if they have not contacted us, as part of our safeguarding procedures. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Keeping everybody in the loop

Every Friday, your Year Group will send out an email with weekly round ups, and a 'what's coming up' section. Please have a look for these on a Friday to keep up to date. I will also write a whole school weekly update on this section, often with links to other parts of our website to read. Please talk about it with other parents, to make sure everyone has seen this. At the end of each month, there will be a newsletter sent from school too. This year these will be in an electronic format only. A copy will also be put on the website.


Special Mentions Book and Achievements Book

Please remember we have two books to write/send pictures into to celebrate what your child has done at home. Our special mentions book is for day to day achievements, to say thankyou etc. Our achievements book is for pictures of certificates/children and what they achieved. Children love having their name read out in our special mentions assembly on a Friday, so please send some in!


Open Morning for Year R 2025

We will be having an open morning for parents getting ready to choose their school in 2025.  It is on Wednesday 27th September, and there are two slots to book on: 9.30 and 11 am. Please call the school office to secure a place, if you would like to come.


We hope that as parents, you have had a great start back too. Please remember we are here to help and if you have any worries, contact the office, or the Year Team via the email addresses, which we answer during school time. Thank you for bearing with us this week, whilst our email system has been down! You have all been very understanding.


Wishing you a lovely weekend


Mrs Riches



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