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Weekly Update Friday 7th June

What a super start back we had this week, with our D Day celebrations and our fantastic project hooks. This term is always a busy one, and we are hoping it warms up and becomes sunnier for some of our events to take place. Below is a brief run down of important dates for your diaries for the term. Some of these are weather dependent, so please check your messages if rain is forecast.


Year 2 Swimming

This started on Thursday and the children all had a fantastic time. Mrs Labram, Miss Whitehead and Mrs Creswell are our 3 trained staff members. We also had loads of Year 2 parents who helped too, which was brilliant for our less confident swimmers. Next year, in Year 3, the children will start swimming every week and our transition sessions help the children feel more confident about doing this independently.


Whole School Photograph

We are having a whole school photograph taken on Tuesday 4th June. This will be a commemorative photograph which will include all children and staff in school on the day. They will be available to purchase soon after, and is a lovely commemorative photo of a snapshot of time in Bishops Waltham Infant School.


Sports Day

Our Sports Day is on Friday 14th June. There will be refreshments to purchase on the day (cash only), and the events will last approximately 1 and a quarter hours per year group. Timings are as follows;


Year R: 



Year 1



Year 2



Each Year Group will  'parade' around the top playground to start, so please stand around the edge of the big playground when you arrive.


Year 1 Southsea Trip

This is taking place on Monday 10th June. Please pay via Arbor, and return consent forms via the office. This is a Geography field trip, and your children will amaze you with their knowledge when they return home!


Thursday 20th June

We have been picked to have a 'Health and Safety' Audit from Hampshire County Council. They will be visiting on this day and checking though our policies and procedures.


Friday 21st June

This is our final day of changing to a new caterers and the process will be completed soon after ready for our September start. It is now down to the final 3 companies, and we are looking forward to tasting their food. Watch this space for the new company's name.


Stay and Play Sessions

We have 2 sessions per weeks beginning 17th and24th June. If you have a Year R child starting with us in September, please remember to sign up.


Friday 28th June

Our Year 2 children will be taking part in the Bishops Waltham 'Ceildh Festival' for the first time. We are very excited and have been learning all the dances. This is not a parent event, unfortunately, but in the evening there is a Ceildh Festival for families to attend. Tickets and information can be found here:


Thursday 4th July- Transition Morning

This is when all children will visit their new class and teacher for the first time. They will spend a morning doing fun activities and getting to know each other. Year 2 will be going to the junior school. Their transition is starting next week, where we have weekly activities planned for the children to get to know the school and the teachers.


Wednesday 10th July

Open Afternoon 2-5pm. This is an opportunity to come into school, look through work, see the classroom and receive your child's 'Record of Achievement'.


Friday 12th July

Reserve Sports Day 


Monday 15th July

Rock Steady Concert for Parents of children in Rocksteady (2.15pm)


Thursday 18th July

1.30pm Year 2 Leaver's Performance. Details to come out nearer the time


5-6.30pm Year 2 Leaver's Disco


Tuesday 23rd July

3.10pm, school closes for summer break.


As many of you know, Mrs Kate Charles will be retiring at the end of this half term. She has been at Bishops Waltham Infant School for over 30 years and have taught some of our past and present parents too.  We are collecting for a retirement gift for Mrs Charles in the school office. If you would like to contribute, please put your contibution in an envelope marked for Mrs Charles. If you would like to write a personal message, we will include it in the special keepsakes we are making for Kate.


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend


Mrs Riches






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