Weekly Update Friday 8th November
We had a sizzling start back to school with our assembly about Guy Fawkes. The children were amazed that the tradition of lighting a bonfire is over 400 years old, and only happens in the UK. We also discussed the fireworks code. If you would like to watch and find out more, please visit our learning links page:
Year R have started their Julia Donaldson themed project and their 'Room on a Broom' caves have been a huge hit! They have had a message left in their classroom each day and the children have been so excited to tell me all about it! Meanwhile, Year 1 have been amazing story innovators this week, changing the characters and the setting of a traditional tale. I enjoyed reading River's unicorn story today, crossing the unicorn bridge. What a superstar story teller! Year 2 'flew' to New Zealand in their classroom 'aeroplane'. They wrote fantastic information leaflets about the Bay of Plenty, for travelers to read about, using their persuasive writing. I really want to visit now, Year 2-thank you for your inspirational writing!
Staff and PTA have been getting ready for Christmas. Our Raffle tickets will go out soon to everyone, we have our disco next week. After that, our next big event is our Christmas shopping event, where children get to choose up to 6 gifts to buy for their family. Most of the presents have been bought, and we will need lots of helpers on the day too. In addition to this, we will need lots of wrapping paper, so we are putting our wrapping paper donation appeal out early-please send in any rolls, for this special shopping event. Next Friday we will also be having a special sweet stall at the end of the day, where the PTA will be in the turning circle. they accept card and cash, so please pop along!
On Friday 15th November, we will be celebrating 'Children in Need day' at school. Children can come to school in any clothes-fancy dress, face paint, play clothes-we are having a 'Come as you like' day. I may have a special way of travelling in...watch this space!
On Thursday 14th November we will be having one of our special curriculum days, where the whole school will be learning about the same subject. This time it is Math's turn to take centre stage. Mrs Moth, our Math lead, has a treat lined up for our whole school. Our theme is 'Bishops Waltham Record Breakers' with lots of creative mathematical challenges. Children will be taking part in a range of activities throughout the day working together in small groups, large groups and independently, using their mathematical knowledge to complete record breaking challenges. Have you got what it takes to be a BWIS Record Breaker??? Watch out for our display and photographs celebrating the wonderful world of mathematics next week.
Applications for Year R 2025, and Year 3 2025 are now OPEN until January 15th. Bishops Waltham Junior School is having an Open Event for parents on Wednesday 20th November at 1.15pm. If you are Year 2 parent, please check your inbox for the information about the event. We have parent showround dates for the whole of November, so if you know anyone who missed our open day and would like to look around, please let them know to telephone the school to book on a tour.
Lastly, our Attendance Policy has been updated and approved by our Governing Body in line with the new Government and Hampshire guidelines. You can find the policy and guidelines here:
Government Guidelines on Attendance August 2024
We use the Hampshire policy guidance for this, to reflect changes in the law. Headteachers have very little choice in the authorisation of exceptional leave, which is explained in more detail in these documents, and I know this upsets a lot of parents who want to take their children out of school for special trips and holidays. I can only describe coming to school regularly every day as a bit like walking up a flight of steps from the start of the year to the end of the year. If your child misses school you will stand still on the step whilst the rest of the class continue to step up. An odd day or two when ill, will be a small catch up. Lots of days away, will mean working harder to catch up and then keep up with the rest of the class. Good attendance habits stay with children for life, long after they have left us into adulthood and their chosen careers. If you have any queries about the policy, or new government guidelines, please do not hesitate to come and make an appointment to discuss them. Our office have also asked me to reiterate the importance of telephoning and informing us of school absence. We are spending a lot of time ringing parents who have not telephoned the reason why their child is not in school. Please telephone in every day of absence before 9.30am, so that we know your child is safe, and not missing. If we cannot telephone you, or speak to you, then our safeguarding procedures will often need to be followed.
For those of you who enjoy fireworks and want to see more, another local school, Swanmore Primary, have a firework event this evening, and information about the event can be found on their social media page.
Wishing everybody a lovely weekend. Remember to wrap up warm!
Mrs Riches