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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Weekly Update Friday 8th September

What a lovely first week back we have had this week in the sunshine! Year 1 and 2 have been busy working interdependently to make choices about their classrooms and learning environments. We had a great assembly on our first day back all about the Lionesses and how hard they tried -only losing 2 games in 2 years. What an achievement for them and for future football. We discussed how the best learning happens when we make mistakes and try again.


Year 2 have also been completing their Road Safety training as part of our 'traveling to school safely' activities. This year we will be taking part in Hampshire's 'Walktober' in October, encouraging as many parents to walk to school/park and stride as possible. We are very grateful that there have been clear zigzags and double yellows around our school all week, so our children can cross the road safely-thank you everybody!


Year R children have made a super start to school. As I write this, they are having tours around the school with their classes, with the biggest smiles on their faces. Welcome to all our new parents, and hello again to all our parents who are with us again.


We currently have 2 parent governor spaces in our school. Miss McIntyre in the school office will be sending out information about the position and how to apply-so please have a look in your inbox. We have 7 full governing body meetings a year, one training event at school and access to all Hampshire Governor Training. If you have time to give, then please consider applying!


We also have our PTA AGM meeting very soon on Monday 18th September at 3.30pm. We will be organising activities in the classrooms for any children if parents would like to come. Since lockdowns, our PTA membership and meetings have struggled with attendance. We are hoping a different AGM time will allow parents to come along and listen to the great activities and fundraising that takes place, and consider becoming a member. We would like to build our PTA to have a wide supporting membership, that can help to raise funds to help us make our school environment and experience even more exciting!


I hope you all have a lovely weekend, making the most of the sunshine. I have been looking forward to following the Rugby World Cup starting tonight-and loyally cheering on my home team. Tonight's game should be an exciting one-who will you be cheering on?


Best wishes


Mrs Riches



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