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Bishops Waltham Infant School

A world to discover, learning together

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Welcome Back!

Dear Parents and Carers


Welcome back after the summer break. We hope you have had a lovely summer and cannot wait to see you all again on Monday morning.


As you are aware, schools being covid resilient is now a priority from our government, and there have been a lot of changes since we last saw each other. Please see the changes for our school and  what this means for you and your child on our information page here:


In light of the changes, and a greater return to normality, we have adjusted our school day accordingly. We are still keeping in place some measures, as advised at our schools' briefing from Hampshire and Public Health England yesterday.


School Timings


Year R (Rabbits and Owls) Week 1 only.

Monday 6th September 

Drop off 9.30am-9.40am (2 adults can accompany), Pick up 12 o' clock


Tuesday 7th September-Friday 10th September

Drop off 8.50-9am, Pick up 12 o'clock


Week 2 onwards see timings below.


Year 1 and 2

Drop off 8.50-9 am, pick up 3.10pm


Arrangements at Pick up and Drop off


Year R and 1

Enter and exit through main gate at path to school, or gate by the swimming pool. 


Year 2

Enter and exit through large blue gates on driveway, then through smaller wooden gate, or pool gate and walk around the school through the playgrounds.


Please note, there is no longer a one way system. People can walk around the school though the playgrounds to do multiple pick ups and drop offs (avoiding the more crowded area)


We request that only it remains at one adult per family/child/grouping at drop off and pick up, as the areas are very crowded, apart from Year R on their first day.


We also ask that drop off and pick ups are done quickly, and please telephone the school to make an appointment with the teacher, if a longer time is needed to discuss information.



Year R will be eating in their classroom until October half term, when we will review our arrangements.


Year 1 and Year 2 will eat in the hall at 2 sittings. Children will have 30 minutes to eat their lunch and 30 minutes play time on the playground


School lunches for infant children are free, and a fruit snack is provided free every day. If bringing a lunchbox, nut products are not allowed (including peanut butter), due o the high number of allergies in the school. We suggest no more than 4/5 items as children are overwhelmed with too much choice. 



Our assemblies will be a mixture of  Year group, Key Stage, and whole school, delivered in the hall and online



Children will be using the library weekly. Each year group will be allocated their library day.



We are continuing to have playtimes in year groups.



Clubs are starting in Week 3 (from September 20th). Information will be sent out about this next week.


Treetops and Early Bird Club (wraparound care)

This will operate from the Forest Room



We will be changing into our PE kits in school. PE kits in school colours (white t shirt and navy shorts) need to be brought into school. They can be taken home to wash weekly/half termly and brought back. Please make sure your child has trainers in their kit and blue/black/grey jogging bottoms and sweatshirt in case the weather is cold.


There is an online welcome meeting for each year group over the next few weeks and the Year group leaders will be getting in touch with you with the link for this, which day is PE day and much more.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us and we will try to answer them. At the moment, we will continue to limit visitors inside the building, and we have a drop off letterbox, if anything is needed to be given in to the office, or it can be done via the teacher.


Over the next few weeks, we will continue with our high hygiene implementation (hand washing/sanitising, toilet wipe downs, room fogging) and keep our classroom windows and doors open to ventilate the rooms.


Best wishes

Mrs Riches











School Illustration