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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Last few words Tuesday 23rd July

Dear All


Our 'Break the Rules Day' has been full of glitter, colour and fun today-what a great way to finish off our year. The children had a great time and thank you for your rule breaking donations that amounted to £359.30. This will go towards extending our phonic reading book collection in Autumn term. Thank you from our whole school.


Congratulations go to Rabbit Class for winning our Euros Sweepstake. It wasn't to be for England's men team this time, but the children enjoyed cheering them on through the few weeks we watched. Now we are all looking forward to the Olympics through the summer.


Thank you to the parents who filled in our survey this week. We had 60 responses in total and overall very positive. Please click the link below to see our survey results:



Thank you again to our incredible PTA who run another successful sweet stall last night-their energy and enthusiasm is amazing and we really want our learning space developed as soon as possible. We are just a little way off ordering it now, and hope that we can do this at the start of the Autumn term. Thank you for all your hard work.


Our Year 2 Leavers banner is up on the green gate as you walk out of school by the car park, if you would like to take a photo with your child today. Our Year 2s are going to be greatly missed in the school and we wish them the very best of luck in Year 3 next year.


We said our goodbyes to Mrs Charles today, who started working in our school in January 1993. We held a special assembly, attended by all staff, where we looked back on Mrs Charles long career in teaching. We also had a slide show of all the classes Mrs Charles has ever taught in school. She has taught many of the parents currently at our school, and even some of our teaching staff! We will all miss her a lot, and wish her every happiness in her retirement. Thank you Kate, for helping to make BWIS such a great place for our learners.


Statistics tell us that sometimes the summer holidays can put a strain on mental health and finances. Please remember that there are lots of links on our 'Health Hearts and Minds' tab under 'Children', if you do need help during the summer break. There are directories on there, with numbers to help in general or an emergency. Please remember to check in on parent friends, even if it is a quick hello. It can really help people to not feel isolated and alone.


Lastly, I would like to thank our whole school community-children, staff, governors, helpers and parents for being you. It has been a truly amazing year for BWIS and we couldn't do it without you. We hope that you have time to reconnect and recharge, and we will see some of you in September.


With very best wishes


Mrs Riches







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