Update Monday 19th July
Dear Parents and Carers
Our end of term is nearly upon us and will soon be into summer break. It feels wrong calling it a holiday this year as it has, for many, been a stretching time as a parent or in your work, and we now have 6 weeks until we return on Thursday 3rd September. We look forward to welcoming our Year R and Year 1 children back to their new classes and to our new starters, who will start part time on Thursday 3rd.
School will be strange when you start back, either here or at the juniors. In BWIS there is more frequent handwashing and cleaning. We are eating lunches in our rooms. We are not mixing outside in different year groups and we will not be using the hall. Our clubs will not be starting back, only wraparound care. We will be continuing to use technology for our classes and for our meetings. We will continue to keep you updated with any changes or expectations as we transition through these different times.
I am pleased to announce that as well as Earlybird club, we will also be welcoming Treetops club back to site. We will therefore be operating wrap around care from 8am-6pm. Year Group bubbles will be separated in both clubs, with risk assessments revised as need arises/government guidance changes. Please see our Treetops page for details on how to book. We are very pleased to announce that we will be accepting childcare vouchers from September, so please contact the school office to ensure we are accepting your vouchers.
On Tuesday we will be saying goodbye to our Year R children. They will be seen out of class with their LSA and need to come to school with a bag for their bits and records of achievement. Your teachers will then be in the turning circle to say goodbye at the end of the day. If your child has not been in, please go to the turning circle after 2,45, where your teacher will have your child's record of achievement and books.
On Wednesday we will be saying good bye yo our Year 2s, who will be leaving for the juniors, and our Year 1s for the summer break. Both Year groups will need to come in through the brown gate by reception and go around the one way system to their class, accompanied by a grown up. Bring a large bag for your books and records of achievement. Year 1 children will then be signposted to exit through the carpark (the large gates by the kitchen), whilst Year 2 parents can exit by the Year 2 gate.Hopefully we will see everybody to say goodbye to. If you don't think you are going to make it and would like someone else to collect, please let us know in writing prior to the day. If you do not have anyone to collect, please let us know asap, so that we can get your belongings to you.
I am also pleased to announce that Mrs Atkinson will still be with us in September in 1-1 capacity part time.
I am sure there will be more updates through the summer and nearer to the start of term, and that there may be questions or worries that will come nearer to that time. I hope that you may be able to have some family time where you aren't trying to juggle life and work. We look forward to seeing many of you again soon.
Best wishes
Ginene Riches