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Bishops Waltham Infant School

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Weekly Update Friday 10th January

Our school has been a hive of activity this week, with the start of new projects in each year group. Please look in your children’s book bags for their project leaflets and bookmarks to help support learning at home. 

With the weather turning a lot colder, we were really pleased to see so many children in their warm coats. Please remember to check that all clothing is labelled, to make sure clothing gets back to its correct owner. 


Year 2’s lunchtime clubs will start back next week. These are free clubs that our staff run to enhance children’s experiences at school. We all look forward to meeting our new club members. All our after school clubs started back this week, with good attendance at them all. 


Lastly we would like to congratulate Mrs Labram and her husband, Jamie, on the birth of their new daughter, Emilia. She arrived at the start of the holidays, and they had a lovely first Christmas together. We cannot wait to meet her!

Best wishes


Mrs Riches





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