Weekly Update Friday 12th July
What a super sports day we had today! The weather held for us all and the children had great fun. We had fantastic footballers, excellent egg and spooners and our first mass Ceilidih with parents in Year 2. A huge thank you to Miss Turner, our PE Lead, and the staff for the organising and practising the events.Also thank you to CM Sports for supporting the event, and staff for providing and serving refreshments. A great day was had by all.
Year 1 have taken over the ramp display with their amazing home learning. What super lighthouses they are, and all completely different. Thank you to everyone for their contributions!
We had an excellent turnout for our Open Afternoon on Wednesday and some really lovely comments on the Response Forms on the Records of Achievement. Thank you to everyone who has filled these in. The children really enjoyed sharing their learning in school and celebrating their achievements.
Next week we have some end of term events in our diary. Please see below:
Monday 15th July
Year 2 will go to Year 6 Performance
2.15pm Rocksteady performance to their parents
Tuesday 16th July
School Governors will be attending school to interview children re the curriculum
Wednesday 17th July
Year R staff will be visiting new Year R children
Thursday 18th July
1.30pm Year 2 Leaver's performance to parents
5-6.30pm Year 2 Leavers' Disco (drop off at the hall doors)
Tuesday 23rd July
Break the Rules Day
We look forward to seeing you at your child's event (especially our Year 2 Leavers).
And lastly, I am sure we will all be having a little wish for Sunday. The Lionesses did it-now let's make it a double-Come on England!
Best wishes
Mrs Riches