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Weekly Update Friday 19th July

We have had an amazing week together this week, with lots of exciting events. Rock Steady performed their final concert of the year to Year R and their parents. Our Year 2 children visited the juniors to see their end of Year 6 production, and we had our inhouse Year 2 leavers Dress rehearsal to Year 3, Year 1 and Year R. The children have thoroughly enjoyed all of them! Below, is a round up of the week, and what is happening for the two days we are in school next week.



We have had AMAZING results again in our school this year at the end of Year 2, in our phonics test and in our 'Good Level of Development'. This year was the first year that year 2 children were not required to sit a test at the end of the year. teachers continued teaching and assessed the children on the learning they were doing in class (as it should be for young children!). formal 'progress for our Year 2 children will be measured when they leave Year 6 (end of primary school). However, we still continue to do teacher assessments. Please click on the link below to read our fantastic academic results in all age groups for 2024. We are so, so proud of our brilliant learners and staff.



Standards at BWIS


Leavers' Performance and Disco

Thank you to all the parents who came to watch our fantastic performance this week. The theme, as always, is about friendship. Something that money cannot buy you, but makes your life much, much richer. The children sang their hearts out, danced like noone was watching, and spoke their words loudly, clearfully and beautifully. The costumes brought in from home were spectacular and I am so glad the purple pirates became the new crew! Thank you to all of the Year 2 staff who have practised, directed, decorated and made it one of the best performances I have ever seen. Thank you to Mrs Moth for helping me find our rhyming mojo to change the story and write the new scenes. So many parents have said how much they enjoyed it, and special memories were made.


Each child had a Leavers book, bought by our PTA, which we are very grateful for. Thank you to Mrs Palmer and Mrs McIntyre for organising these and the inscriptions. The children were very excited to have a special keepsake from school.


We were then on to our Leavers' disco, which our PTA provided the funds for. We had a spectacular time dancing to Crazy M, with some magic and games thrown in. All of us teachers partied too, saying goodbye with a lot of fun.


Thank you to our PTA and the amazing fundraising they have done this year. They have been brilliant and our school has benefited from all their hard work and the volunteers who have helped along the way.



Our PTA will be selling sweets in the turning circle on Monday straight after school. Please see the poster on this page for more details.


Break the Rules Day

Remember it is 'Break the Rules' Day on Tuesday, our last day of term. We look forward to having lots of fun! The rules are on the classroom doors, and on this page too. See you there!



Our governors held a special thank you cream tea for all of our staff this week, to celebrate the end of another successful year at BWIS and our OUTSTANDING Ofsted grade. It was a lovely end for all the staff and we all appreciated the kind thought. We even had a giant cake (which we are still munching our way through)


Parent Survey

We have emailed a Parent Survey out today, which will close at midday on Tuesday. Please fill in with your child. thank you in anticipation.



We will be saying goodbye to Mrs Charles on Tuesday, after many years service to teaching. Mrs Charles will be retiring, and her first holiday in term time will be to Barcelona with her family! We will be saying goodbye with the children on Tuesday, and I know many people have brought gifts in for her too. We wish you love and happiness for the future Kate, and we hope you enjoy your retirement.


Lastly we had some amazing news today-Blake in Year 2 brought his dad's powerlifting medal in, where he became a British champion this week. Well done to Mr Ejele-Blake, Roman and the whole school are very proud of you!!


Wishing everyone a lovely last weekend of the term!


Best wishes


Mrs Riches

School Illustration