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Weekly Update Friday 20th December

We started our Christmas Countdown this week with our Grandparents Christmas Service at St Peter's Church. We were welcomed in by the beautiful bell playing and Reverend Hunt. The children read and sang beautifully, with some of the children building up the nativity scene. We had grandparents from as far as Wales and even Amsterdam at the service. Thank you to the PTA who did teas and coffees, and to all the walking helpers who helped us get to the church. In the afternoon. we had our second Key Stage 1 performance, which was just as magical as Friday's show. Thank you again to everyone who made this show so special.


On Tuesday it was Year R's turn to perform to their parents; they had learned all the songs and spoke their parts beautifully. The parents had a lovely time watching their first nativity at BWIS. After the performance, our PTA called out all the prizes, and there were some very lucky winners. Thank you to the PTA for organising all the Christmas treats. You have been amazing all term! The child who sold the most raffle tickets this year was Aalayah in Robin class and she is going home with her prize today! Congratulations!


It was party Christmas lunch and party time on Wednesday. The children had a fantastic time, and were like bottles of pop all day, bubbling with excitement. When Father Christmas and his special helper came to visit and deliver their presents, they were amazed!


Friday has seen us having our last Christmas events with our Starlight Charity total at £382.27. Thank you all for donating throughout the week. We are very grateful to you all. We also finished off our day with our special Wishing Assembly. The children were extremely reflective in their wishes for the world for 2025. Their wishes are by my office, please take a look next time you pop by.


As we take our trimmings and decorations down, it is time for you to start your celebrations and family traditions at home. We wish everybody a very merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you on the 6th January 2025!


We Wish You a Merry Christmas from everyone at BWIS


Merry Christmas Everyone!


Best wishes 


Mrs Riches

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