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Keep up to date with all the news happening in school

  • World Book Day

    Tue 28 Feb 2023

    Dear parent and carers,

    This year, we will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 3rd March.

    We will not be dressing up as a celebration!

    Instead, we are asking each child to bring one of their favourite books into school. They will have opportunities to share this with their friends and teachers throughout the day.

    In school, the children will have the opportunity to choose which book they would like to hear read to them. Each teacher will be reading a book in their classroom and the children will sign up to the one they would like to hear.

    Thank you for your support and don’t forget to look out for World Book Day book vouchers!

    Best wishes,

    Miss Apsey and Miss Turner



  • Weekly Update Friday 24th February

    Thu 23 Feb 2023

    Dear Parents and Carers


    We have had a great start back to school, and the fine weather has meant the children have been able to be outside every playtime. Lots of lovely learning has gone on in the classrooms and the children have enjoyed telling us about their half term break and news.


    The new road markings have been painted around our school. Traffic enforcement officers will be coming to the area more regularly, and tickets will be issued, so please make sure you are parked legally for the safety of all our pupils when arriving and leaving school.


    The majority of parents have signed up for parent/teacher meetings on Monday and Tuesday. We will have a staffed room for children and siblings to go, when parents are attending their appointment. We really look forward to seeing you and sharing their super learning.


     World Book Day is next week, which we will be celebrating on Friday with Book activities. Our English Leaders Miss Apsey and Miss Turner, will be letting you know more at the start of next week about the activities we will be doing and we will also have  a book fayre operating all week in our school lobby. Please come and browse at the lovely books available. (details on the book fayre is on an earlier 'latest news' post.


    Our PTA Quiz night is on Friday 24th March in the school hall. There are 8 to a table, but don't worry if you are a 2 or a 1-we can put you on another table and it is a great way to meet other parents. Everyone is welcome -present and past parents, grandparents, helpers and friends. There will be ale and food supplied by The Hampshire Bowman, so book a table and come along!


    Presently, there is still a NEU strike planned for next week (2nd March). It may be paused due to talks with the government (announced on the news this week). We will be open for all classes at BWIS on Thursday 2nd March, confirmed by staff today.


    Earlier in the year you may remember the super Hampshire Cricket Coaching we had in Years 1 and 2. We have been asked to circulate information about All Stars Cricket and Dynamos Cricket that will be happening this year in Bishops Waltham. Opening Registration is on 1st March and places fill up quickly. Please find the information below:


    All Stars Cricket ([] provides a fantastic first experience for all children aged 5-8 years old where they’re guaranteed 8 weeks of jam-packed fun, activity and skills development. The programme is designed to introduce children to the sport, teaching them new skills, helping them make new friends and have a great time doing so. Every child that registers will receive a backpack full of goodies including:

    • Cricket bat
    • Cricket ball
    • Personalised t-shirt with your child’s name

    All children returning to All Stars will receive a kit bag, a set of stumps, a new ball and a personalised t-shirt.


    Dynamos Cricket ([] provides a fantastic next step for all those graduating from All Stars Cricket and the perfect introduction for all 8-11 year-olds new to the sport! Complementing junior cricket, Dynamos provides children with a more social offer focused on developing fundamental movement skills and applying them in an exciting game of countdown cricket. We know how important it is to look like the heroes of the game, so every child who registers will receive their very own Dynamos Cricket New Balance t-shirt, personalised with their name and number.


    We hope you have a lovely weekend. I will be following the rugby and watching the Wales v England game from behind a cushion on my sofa!


    Best wishes


    Mrs Riches





  • Hampshire’s Spring into Action

    Thu 23 Feb 2023

    We are pleased to be supporting Hampshire’s Spring into Action 2023 event!

    The event runs from Monday 27th February to Sunday 5 March 2023.

    A Spring into Action Toolkit is available at:

    More details on the information page of website:

    Information - Spring into Action


    The toolkit provides families with a daily activity to enjoy each day of the school week while they walk, wheel, scoot or cycle on their journey to and from school and during the weekend.

    Families are invited to try a daily activity during the week from the toolkit.

    You can follow the daily suggestions or mix them up to suit your family!

    Children will also be able to celebrate World Book Day with special book-themed activities for the journey to school on Thursday 2nd March 2023.

    The toolkit provides a fantastic opportunity for families to spend time talking and having fun together.

  • Usborne Book Fair

    Thu 23 Feb 2023

    Dear Parent/Guardian,


    To promote reading for pleasure and to encourage our pupils to read more broadly, we are having a school book fair between the 27th February -  3rd March.


    The book fair is being organised in conjunction with our local Usborne Partner, Laura Gailis and every book purchased will go towards brand new FREE books for our school.


    Usborne will also donate up to 60% of the total book fair sales value raised in

    FREE BOOKS to the school. So, for every £600 of books purchased, we will get £360 in FREE Usborne books for our school!


    Books will be available to browse during the week of the book fair by the school office, including during parents evening. You can also browse the main Usborne website. Then simply fill in an order form with your chosen books and return it to the school. Books can be ordered throughout the week of the book fair and paid for by cash, card, PayPal or bank transfer. You should receive your order by 2 weeks after the event. World Book Day vouchers will be accepted at the fair for a £1 discount off any book over £2.99.


    We look forward to having lots more books for your child to read, share and enjoy!

    For more information and for tailored book recommendations for your child, please contact:             Laura Gailis.


                                        @therainbowbookcorner (Facebook)


  • Weekly Update-Friday 10th February

    Tue 07 Feb 2023

    This week has been full of learning in school. We started the week with an assembly about the invisible strings that connect us to friends, family and even pets as part of our children's mental health week. The children could all tell each other who is on the end of at least one of their strings. It was a lovely way for the children to visualise the connections they have in their lives.


    Miss Apsey led an assembly to celebrate 'safer internet day' and we have sent home a reminder poster for all children about internet safety. Our safety settings are set high as a school, and it would be a good time to check your home settings as well.


    Our Parent Teacher meetings are at the end of February, and an email for our booking system has gone out to all parents. Please check your inboxes for the email and book on for your preferred time slot.

    Each year the school has a small sum of money put into a budget called 'capital'. This money can only be used for specific items, such as IT and improving the learning environment. The government has put extra into this pot this year, and schools have been asked to improve, where possible, energy efficiency in schools. We will be using it in this way where we can, and we had also planned for new tables and chairs for Year 1 which arrived on Wednesday. Thank you to the two dads who stayed behind and helped us move the tables and chairs down to the class-we were really grateful for your help! 


    We will have a book stall operating in our school entrance for the duration of the week beginning 27th February, where children can also use their World Book Day vouchers. It will be an order form system and will also be running for both parent's evenings too. More news will be given about this after half term. Due to uncertainty regarding industrial action, our World Book Day activities will be taking place on Friday 3rd March.


    Our Reading Raffle winner this week was Sophie in Year 2.There are lots of entries going in each week now and the chatter about reading is all around the school. Thank you to all parents who are supporting more reading at home. It really is making a difference. We have ordered more phonic guided reading books to come home to practise, and need help covering them with sticky back. If you are good at covering (some people have a real knack!), and would like to help please let us know next half term.


    We did not send attendance letters out at Christmas time this year, as so many children's attendance was affected by the bugs that were sweeping through the school. Children under 90% attendance are classed as 'persistent absentee' by the DFE. In the 'Working Together to Improve Attendance' published in September 2022, it states;


     'The pupils with the highest attainment at the end of key stage 2 and key stage 4 have higher rates of attendance over the key stage compared to those with the lowest attainment.'


    If you would like to read more about the document, and what schools have to do regarding attendance, please click on the link below:


    We have been made aware of an increasing number of independent SEN advisers  charging parents for advice, without qualifications to practice. Our advice would be to always talk to school first if you have any concerns or worries. Please come and talk to the class teacher or our excellent Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Penny Campone. Hampshire also runs a completely impartial free service for parents and carers, with qualified professionals, to give advice, support and information to all parents called SENDIASS. Please click on the link below for SENDIASS website



    We wish you all a restful half term and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 21st February.


    Best wishes

    Mrs Riches






  • Children's Mental Health Week

    Mon 06 Feb 2023

    This week it is 'Children's Mental Health Week', where the spotlight is being shone on how we can help children make meaningful connections to support mental health. Our assemblies will be focused on connections this week and there are lots of resources on the Children's mental Health week for both teachers and children to use


    Please follow the link below to find out about support for children's mental health, or if you would like to make a donation to the charity.




  • Weekly Update Friday 3rd February

    Sat 04 Feb 2023

    What fun we had at the disco last night! Crazy M was as crazy as ever, with party games and dancing. All the teachers and parents had a good time too and some managed to have a boogie. Thank you to everyone who helped. 

    This week, we had 6 new balance bikes and helmets delivered from a road safety  initiative we signed up to for our Year R balance bike training in the summer. We will let Year R parents know when we are starting this exciting project. 

    We have put a new giant world map up on the wall in the newer part of the school, and every time the staff walk past we are finding children talking about the different places they have travelled to, learned about or have relatives. 


    This week, in assembly, we read 'The Emperor's New Clothes' and discussed why the Emperor believed the two tailors, and how they had influenced his decisions. We talked about modern day influencers, and how the internet can be used to influence what people want/believe (such as the popularity of 'Prime' drinks). The children had lots of ideas on how they could try not to be influenced, and what the Emperor should have done.

    Millie won the reading raffle this week, and she chose a new Winnie the Witch story. 5 children were chosen by their teachers to be ‘Star of the Week’ in Friday’s assembly for their amazing progress in reading- well done to everybody! 

    Good luck to all the children playing in a match this weekend and we will look forward to seeing you Monday morning where you can tell us all about them. 

    Best wishes


    Mrs Riches




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